Alba? Really?

Leading an action film?



All hot girls need to do at least one, showing the girl power:

Ana de Armas, Ghosted
Gal Gadot, Heart of Stone
Chloë Grace Moretz, Shadow in the Cloud
Megan Fox, Rogue
Keira Knightley, Domino
Jennifer Lawrence, Red Sparrow
Angelina Jolie, Salt
Charlize Theron, Atomic Blonde
Jennifer Garner, Peppermint
Maggie Q, The Protégé
Karen Gillan, Gunpowder Milkshake
Kate Beckinsale, Jolt
Scarlett Johansson, Ghost in the Shell
Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kate

It is her turn.


The Kate Beckinsale movie in the genre is Jolt, not Underworld...

And also MEW had her chance in Kate.


Yeah, Jolt is a better candidate, especially I was trying to avoid the big franchise movies.

Now updated.


Of all of those you mentioned, Atomic Blonde is the best one in my opinion.

But for Scarlet Johansson you picked Ghost in the Shell? Black Widow would have been my choice because shes a human woman doing crazy superhero things. At least in Ghost in the Shell shes almost entirely cybernetic in form and perfectly explains how she is a nigh indestructible warrior.

as for the rest that I have watched, I think Domino was just awful and will never warrant a rewatch for me. If anyone wants a really fun and entertaining female bounty hunter movie they can watch One For the Money starring Katherine Heigl. Soooo much better than Domino! I dont wanna give spoilers so heres just a short clip of One For the Money


I was trying to avoid big franchises, otherwise Tomb Raider for Angelina Jolie would have also been there.


That would be a good one, but Salt works well.

another film I really enjoy that could work here is Hailee Steinfeld in Barely Lethal


Well, I thought about that one too, but is it an action movie or teen movie? Because there was a lot of Disney feeling when I watched it.


I reckon thats a teen movie with action spy comedy mixed in.

It aint disney xD lol it has enough action trust me


I really liked Hailee Steinfeld, I think she was really pretty. I even watched 'The Edge of Seventeen' just because she was in it.

And Sophie Turner and Jessica Alba were in 'Barely Lethal' too, so I thought if nothing else I watched a pretty girl assembly.

And Sophie Turner was really pretty in it, like her peak prettiness.

But I don't remember any actions, they might be there, they just did not leave an impression.


Hailee Steinfeld beating up the Seniors when they tried to kidnap her as the mascot, and also when she twisted Benjamin (Gootch)s arm when he grabbed her butt was the two ones I remembered the most. It is mostly comedy

Hailee and Sophie talking in the bathroom and then leaving only for the camera to pan out and we see a boy using the toliet and then he exclaims in disbelief "what the f**k was that"?! was the part I laughed out loud the most. And when she tells Sammy J that "Martin Van Buren called and wants his hairstyle back". cracked me up too xD


I just watched the trailer, I think "One for the Money" probably more rom-com than action.

Is it primarily an action movie? The trailer definitely does not have the vibe.


Domino is less of an action movie than One for the Money is, by comparison. One for the Money had enough action or exciting scenes but has more genre crossing. I didnt want to give a full trailer as since its more comedy you dont want jokes spoiled for you and comedies make the mistake of revealing too many jokes in their trailers. I bought this movie "cold" only knowing what I read on its back and cover and it is one of my favorite bounty hunter films. Domino is like a bleak view into the drug-filled life of a bounty hunter chick, whereas One for the Money is a fun film with a mystery, comedy, action, and romance thrown in. Just all around an entertaining film


I haven't watched Domino or Rogue, because the posters looked ridiculous, stick thin model like girls shouldn't play soldiers, nobody believes it. But I have a rough idea of what those movies are.

I was listing predominantly action movies, in 'One for the Money' Katherine Heigl played a civilian, with no combat training, maybe there were actions in it, but I don't think the main theme was her using her tactical skills beating up a bunch of guys, that sort of thing.

It looks more like a typical Katherine Heigl vehicle at the time. There is nothing wrong with that, but I doubt people would compare her with Charlize Theron in 'Atomic Blonde', or Gal Gadot in 'Heart of Stone'.


I see your point. I mentioned One for the Money because Domino was so awful and for a female bounty hunter film the Katherine Heigl one is the best for its type.

Domino is based on a real girl, who was a rich model who became a bounty hunter. But the movie is still terrible.


What's the problem? Just look, here she is about to undoubtedly kick ass on a guy twice her size. Probably already took down all those strewn bodies.

This is "realism".


Jessica Alba as a "skilled special forces commando" makes as much sense as Denice Richards being a nuclear physicist.
