MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > Season 3 Has Great Writing - Very Intens...

Season 3 Has Great Writing - Very Intense!

Unlike the funnier earlier seasons, Season 3 is much more serious and intense. Neither do they rely on earlier Trek storylines. Season 3 is much more original, creative, shocking at times, sad, and exciting. A few time, they surpass their original Trek inspiration. The special effects have also improved. Plenty of contemporary social commentary, too.

I believe Disney is observing the show's popularity on its channel before giving confirmation for another season.


I was going to say about the same thing. Seth really took season three in a different direction. I am only halfway through and am quite impressed.


Dismal failure, in my eyes - I mean this whole show.
I'd love for it to be funny, but that was a fail.
If it went the TNG route, that would have been great, but it failed at that, too.
It also has plenty of woke bs in it -

So, yeah - more woke BS for the masses


Woke definition:
having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities:"

Star Trek is supposed to be woke. An egalitarian, diverse and free society devoid of hunger, poverty and warfare within the Federation. This series is basically Trek.

You prefer dystopia.


That's a cute definition you got there
Alas, I get it - dictionaries these days are fascinating in how unreliable they've become.
The globalists are changing meaning in whichever way pleases them.
To be fair, the definition you've quoted is indeed the original meaning of the word - but it hasn't been used that way in many years.
The real definition is - disapproving : politically liberal (as in matters of racial and social justice) especially in a way that is considered unreasonable or extreme (yep, it's the 2nd definition - even though it's the main use of the word - but I'm going to assume that dictionaries will be modified to reflect that point in 10 years from now - lol)


African-Americans created the term. Their definition stands.


Indeed, it stands, that's why it is still written as such in the dictionary, but the current popular usage is the opposite of what it once stood for. So, as a compromise, I accept your definition - I'm simply clarifying what I meant when I wrote 'woke'.

Star trek has indeed always been 'woke' in the original definition of the word - but all of the new renditions of star trek have become 'woke' in the new definition of the word.


Fascists, racists, bigots and other deplorables repeatedly attempt to redefine and negatively rebrand Liberal causes as a negative. Your propaganda attempts are a failure.

Don't watch the show if a free, equal, prosperous and diverse society upsets you.


You are pretty good at gaslighting. Are you looking for a government job?


You're basically a bigot.

Prove me wrong by specifically identifying what you find objectionable about present-day Trek and/or Orville.


I'm not sure which season was my favorite. I actually loved the humor in Seasons 1 & 2 and feel like Season 3 could have used some more humor, but I do agree that the writing in Season 3 was great.

The Kaylon rebellion episode and Ted Danson's conflicted heel turn were standouts of the series, IMO. Also "gently falling rain" was an incredible episode as well.

That said, as much as I hope we get a season 4, I don't think we're going to, especially now with all the strikes going on.


Disney's Isner returned and wasn't happy with the low profit among recent movies and shows. I read that he plans to create fewer of them which would affect The Orville.


Plenty of contemporary social commentary, too

In the days before the internet a movie would be lauded for "social commentary"
Now it is mocked for "Woke Bullshit!" aka "I'm Being Preached At!"
thankfully only by a small minority making a disproportionate amount of noise.


S3 was great. It had topics that invited moral debates.
