MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > I don't want it to end...!

I don't want it to end...!

Cry cry cry. Best show on (what used to known as) television. I want a new episode every week for all eternity!!!


Oh come on, it's NOT that good. It's nowhere close to SG-1, as an example.

Has it's moments and there were few good episodes but it's not a masterpiece.

But yeah, I could have seen some more seasons :D


"Oh come on, it's NOT that good. It's nowhere close to SG-1, as an example.

Has it's moments and there were few good episodes but it's not a masterpiece."

Sorry, but I can say exactly the same thing about SG-1 as well, it has many aspects I don't like or find boring.


Sorry but yes you can :D


You heard me.


It's not a science fiction show. It's a social commentary show with a sci-fi façade. It happens to generally be a social commentary that I really appreciate. You can call it 'woke,' I guess, but I don't put a whole lot of stock into one-word criticisms, so have your fun, I won't be paying a lot of attention. SG-1 is a science fiction show, so we're comparing apples and oranges here.


I guess you haven't been paying attention to SG1 then.

I will not even call The Orville woke, might have some elements but it's not too bad. I would say that it's less woke for the present day than SG1 was fort it's time.

They all have social commentary but the Orville is more apparent because of the period, if you would have seen SG1 when it was released you would understand what I'm saying. And they are both as SciFi as the other.


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, it’s true that I’m not terribly familiar with SG-1. I really can’t see it being the perfect storm of factors that appeal to me though, the specific social commentary that speaks to me, the humor, that something intangible that just works. I also never really found the source material, Star Gate, all that terribly intriguing either. To each their own, but I’ll stand unflinchingly by not wanting this show to end. That’s for me to decide.


"the specific social commentary that speaks to me, the humor, that something intangible that just works."

I find those to be a lot better in SG-1. Specially the humor is much better. In my opinion.


To each their own, surely? I did have the foresight to put this thread here, rather than, say, the SG-1 board, yes?


Anyway, as a final idea:

I watched SG1 and Atlantis twice fully and I'm now during a third. And it's freaking 10 +5 seasons, 20 episodes each.

I will NEVER re-watch the Orville ...


Clearly we have different preferences, and that’s fine. I have watched the first two seasons of The Orville on repeat since I noticed it was available of Hulu. This time, once I work my way through my progress on season one and season two, I’ll continue on to the third season for the second time before I start back over at episode one again… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Science Fiction IS often social commentary. While not strictly required, a lot of the best SF incorporates commentary on society, science, justice, personal strengths and weaknesses (that is character) and so forth. It would be little but a spectacle if it DIDN'T have social commentary. I don't necessarily agree with all of its apparent preferences, but that isn't important. Good fiction should challenge one's beliefs and preconceptions. Even if the viewer/reader retains their beliefs, it is good to challenge them. If you can't stand the challenge to your beliefs, they aren't very strong in the first place.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)



I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. I still think The Orville is primarily a social commentary show with a science-fiction façade. Whereas generally, science fiction contains social commentary, yes. Understand the distinction?


Do you think that Blade Runner is a social commentary or science fiction? What about the book?

What about Dune? What about Roadside Picnic? The Running Man (the book)? 1984?

All of the good scifi books/movies are just social commentaries disguised under SciFi.


Did you read what I typed?


Did you read what I typed?


You certainly do seem to be strangely focused on convincing me that I actually don’t want The Orville to end… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sorry buddy, your dreams will be shattered.



Hence, this thread…


The near exact carbon copy of Star Trek in The Orville's façade is a clue that the show is primarily intended as a social commentary. It's not attempting to push any science fiction barriers whatsoever.


I understand your distinction. I don't agree, because I don't think the amount of social commentary negates the science fiction aspect of a work. However, this is largely a matter of preference, and your mileage may vary. Neither of us are right or wrong; de gustibus non est disputandum.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)


Cheers! 🍻


Did this show get continued past its second season? I can't believe it.


Don't believe it then, I guess.


Oh, is that a choice?


To believe something is a choice, Even if you believe something that is not real.

Imagine that billions of people believe in a god or another ...


😃 Haha, lovely! You might be okay, asom. 👌


I agree.. since all others so called sci fi shows are weak, this makes me mad, frown cry and laugh. Seth nails it. theyed be fools for no next season, its progression, has built a stable fable, in this genre ..


The episode titled “Future Unknown”? A new permanent civilian cast member reintroduced? Those are positive signs to me…


I rather more of this than Discovery or Picard (SNW excluded because it's good imo).


SNW is the best Trek to come along in a loooong time, AND, sadly, is nowhere near the caliber of The Orville, IMNSHO. SNW is, "Fine, I guess the original formula was the best one after all. Derp!"
