MovieChat Forums > The Punisher (2017) Discussion > What's wrong with the serie?

What's wrong with the serie?

I think the Punisher had one of the most promising chance to be great, however it is going fast to cancellation after another long season, that could had been done in 8-9 episodes.

What do you think is the reason behind the mediocrity of it?
The cast, the story?


I am only 1 episode in to season 2, but for the first season, I thought it was way too repetitive. How many times can we see Frank get the crap beat out of him only to make some miraculous return and kill everyone. There just was no suspense and some episodes dragged on.

After watching just one episode in season 2, he has already been shot, so I feel like it going to be the same thing, but I'll see how it plays out.


Mainly the hackneyed writing, but also some of the casting choices, for sure.


Same problem as Daredevil, the acting and action are on point but there is too little of both. The characters talk too much. They stop doing stuff during most of the dialog. It slows the pace to a crawl and this Punisher, it's supposed to be an action show not a 'standing around talking and reflecting on the morality of decisions that we can't change' show. They can still talk, but either do something while talking or talk less and emote, act with your body. They also do that thing where the characters take way longer than the audience to figure out something is a trap or a trick, then they have to explain it's a trap or trick even though the audience figured it out 5 minutes ago, and it makes the characters look stupid.


People who make the series seem to hate everything relating to the Punisher: military, vets, private citizens defending themselves - everything.


My feeling as well. Finally just finished the second season and all I could think was how the creators seemed to really hate Punisher and produced the show like they were saddled with it.
