umm... good?

I mean, the acting was great, the story was interesting throughout the film - cinematography was decent.

The ending... a bit unclear.

Spoiler question ----

I mean... OK, from what I can tell, the dude is nuts - his memory plays tricks on him and he should definitely get a brain scan. At the same time, the dude is also into screwing his students - yet, his wife's reaction to his previous cheat is odd - why are they still together? And she said she didn't want to move again, which suggests she's OK with him doing his thing, if it doesn't cause them to move. Her reaction is odd at best - and I wish there was a better explanation for it.


I agree, purposely ambiguous at The end. Good story otherwise but felt a bit of a let down tbh.
Thought it was gonna be his wife and black student in cahoots to frame him for past wrongs.
It did strike me though, when he and the student in his car at the end, when she said she lloves him he then strikes out and knocks her unconscious... a few scenes earlier we saw the missing white girl tell her she loves him in the same scenario ... so what to make of that?
Leaves it up to the viewer which I quite like 👍


I liked how ambiguous they left it at the end... fitting for the theme of the movie, where the protagonist can't keep a concrete hold on what's gone on... the narratives we tell other people and we tell ourselves, etc...

As for the wife, she's probably torn between two ideas, reconciling her love for him and wanting to hold on to a family, versus his past infidelity... This can happen... Not all marriages end in divorce just because of infidelity... The other idea, is that she might have a suspicion that he's mentally ill and struggling to keep a hold on reality... Or there is the possibility that the infidelity is partly fictional... I don't know... But her behaviour didn't seem out of place for me...

I think it's a far better movie than people give it credit for... seems to have slipped under the radar... I thought the fact that we end up feeling empathy for him by the end it would be ripe for conversation... Interesting little movie...

I thought he cinematography was ok, but I didn't like the colour grading... it seemed like they just through a green filter on it... lol... Perhaps they didn't have the budget or time to give it proper attention...


I didn't care for this one. It looked like they shot the "university" at a high school. Spoilers...

In the beginning, he's supremely confident that the police will not find anything. At the end, he talks about his terrible memory and how he may have murdered this co-ed. It reminds me of the terrible movie Under Suspicion (2000, co-stars Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman).

What we see happening is not reliable. We saw him making out with the girl from the hardware store, but later it becomes clear that he was only fantasizing. Early on I wondered if his colleague (played by Jamie Kennedy) had actually murdered the girl. I wondered for a moment if Anna was the woman he had allegedly been with in Illinois and then stalked him to his univeristy. I wondered why she had apologized for "taking advantage" of him.


so, what about the matches? he burned the letter, but kept those matches...
