MovieChat Forums > Deadpool 2 (2018) Discussion > The Part that Bothered Me (spoilers)

The Part that Bothered Me (spoilers)

So, Deadpool is dying at the end and all Colossus needs to do to save him is take off the neck thing. Deadpool won't let him and so he "dies." Then Cable decides to use his last time travel opportunity to go back in time and prevent Deadpool from getting shot, instead of going back to his family? Literally, just take the neck thing off and go see your family! And then he decides to stay for no reason? That was a bit silly and pointless.


So you're saying the movie defied logic?


No, I'm saying it broke my suspension of disbelief.


Breaking all suspension of belief was the point of the movie!

Don't you get it?


If that's what you think, then you don't understand what suspension of disbelief is.


And if that's what you think then you wouldn't believe what belief is.

There's a big difference between thinking and believing!


If that's what you think, then you don't understand what suspension of disbelief is.

I seriously doubt that. But...this is just an internet message board, so I'll let it go.


Dude, it's comic book fantasy. You should totally suspend disbelief before you even sit down to watch it.


That's a poor excuse for lazy storytelling.


No, actually "lazy story telling" is an excuse for your inability to enjoy fantasy without constantly looking to be brought back to the real world. Try expanding your mind and not being so obsessed with disbelieving. Comic book fantasy movies are much more fun that way!


judging from the credits seem dead pool was able to jump a bunch of times. I'm pretty sure cable was able to visit his family after all. I think the post credit scene was to show you that they had plenty of energy left in the device. Even dead pool himself mentions "Thats just lazy writing" when cable mentions he only has enough energy for two jumps. The ending scenes showed that this plot point wasn't even correct.


My point is this. If you're Cable and you have two options, which are:

1) Take the neck thing off Deadpool
2) Use your "last" jump and forsake your family to prevent Deadpool from getting shot

Which are you going to choose? The answer is obvious. When characters act out of character for the sake of the plot, that is really crappy, imo, and that scene ended up being super stupid. it doesn't matter to me how many jumps the end credits showed the device had left. :shrug:


First off, the answers here pisses me off. Why go to a movie forum to comment the likeness of "It's just a movie bro"
That is the most pathetic and lazy excuse for lack of grasp of concept that I have ever seen. And that is based on this being so simple and silly a movie as this is already.

Second; Let me ACTUALLY address the topic proposed.
Yes, it seems sluggish that he Cable used his chance to get home to save Deadpool, when Deadpool specifically requested to die. This could be seen as not thought through, or a plot hole to the hasty observer. Deadpool even jokes about it earlier in the movie when Cable mentions he only has 2 jumps on his time-device.
But within the premise of the movie, there is no plot hole, and it's actually extremely simple and disappointing that the average movie-goer is apparently too daft to pick up on what they are served (spoon-fed) through DIRECT DIALOG in the movie itself.

Russel (the fat kid) is hellbent on getting his revenge and making a toasty crisp barbecue out of the torture-priest. Words or actions alone doesn't seem to convince him. Only by Deadpool LITERALLY sacrificing his life for it, is Russel convinced to abandon his path. I hope this is clear enough for the average American watching this, as the film spent about an hour directly explaining this to you. It's pretty much half of the plot of the movie, so this much should at least be clear (I hope).

Now DIRECTLY following the scene I sincerely hope your brains managed to comprehend, in which Deadpool is seeing HIS own path through and "dying for the right cause, heart in the right place" and so on...
Cable LITERALLY sacrifices his life (going home to his wife and kid) to give Deadpool a reason to keep on living (abandoning his path).
It's a DIRECT repeat of the scene just played out moments earlier, and one that the directors spend over an hour making sure you understood.


Deadpool even EXPLAINS this to you through jokes directed towards Cable.

As for Cable's reason for doing this, you could also call it a plot hole, or unrealistic, that he would sacrifice his life for Deadpools.
2 things.

He just saw a man perform the ultimate sacrifice and gave his life to change things for the better. A purely "selfless" action (which is also explained to you through direct dialog in the movie)
It's much more compelling to sacrifice "your life" for someone, after just witnessing them, doing the same for others.
And that being said, Cable didn't sacrifice his life, but rather going home to his family. So "his life" in broader terms.

He mentions earlier that mankind in the future, between now and the time he is from, has 'fucked up big time' or something to that extent, and also explains that it's part of the reason he is staying in the present time.

So within the movies own premise, and through DIRECT dialog, specifically explaining every aspect of the plot and development of such, this whole thing makes perfect sense.

As last note. That we see before or after credits (can't remember), that Deadpool has the time-device fixed to pop more time-travel is without relevance to the scene in question. Cable at all times was only aware of the time-travel-device having 2 charges, and that's all we need to know.

Speculation. Since we are not presented with what kind of time-travel theory is applied to the movie, we can only speculate that maybe Cable had other reasons or fears going back to the future. This could be due to the butterfly effect, multiple time-line theory or many other paradoxes that could make it undesirable for Cable to travel back.
We can also speculate that Cable wasn't sure, but given no hint's or explanation, this is all speculation.


You're so funny. First you scold the previous posters for pathetic and lazy responses and then you pepper your response with insults and condescension. Entertaining read though. Definitely good for a few laughs.
