MovieChat Forums > Mom and Dad (2018) Discussion > 2 lines of dialogue that I didn't get

2 lines of dialogue that I didn't get

I couldn't get two things that Cage's character said in the movie: the first one was right after his kid threw the ball at his head, he said something like, "Ten, it's not a guarantee for you." The second one was from the flashback scene in the basement, when he was talking about how his life used to be when he was young. He said, "My kill ratio was 9 out of 10." Could you guys help me out with these two lines? Thank you.


The first one is him joking that his son might not live long enough to be ten years old...

The second, I took to mean that he got to go out with 9 out of every 10 girls he hit on... Or something to that effect


Appreciate it. Gotta admit, there was no way I could figure out the first one, even though now it seems really straightforward. I hope it's just got to do with English not being my native language. :)


With the first one I only really understood it when I realised the nature of what was going on, [spoiler]when the killings start[/spoiler]


Yeah, like a foreshadowing or sth.


The first line was a joke about how he would kill his kid before he was 10. He made that joke before the transmissions started driving people insane.

The second was that for every 10 women he dated, he has sex with 9 of them.


with him? eeew.


If the character looked like Nicolas Cage did in his 20s, then it's not inconceivable that some women would've found him to be attractive.


I'm not one of them, I guess.


we're all really interested in the fact that you don't find Nic Cage attractive
