The lens flares.

There were so many lens flares in the pilot that JJ Abrams got jealous and promised more in the next ST movie.

Also the constant tilting and panning of the camera got old real fast. Half the pilot was at a 45 degree angle. Is steady cam dead?


Some viewers think it makes a show more exciting apparently...


I guess it worked for ST 2009 so I assume they are not going to stop now.


JJ was standing in the editing room saying more lens flares!


They (the lens flares) fit for the alternate universe Trek, but not the prime universe--which this apparently takes place in. We'll see how much more use they get as the season progresses.


As others have suggested, this was a measure to imitate the look of Jar Jar Abrams' Star Trek. Why the producers did not go in a different direction visually is but one sign that this series is bereft of good ideas.
