SJW/PC crap...

Dunno why people are bringing this up about no white male cast, Vulcans all white, or that there are 2 females on the USS Shenzhou. Even the ships name is Chinese and just so happens there is a Chinese captain. Besides, she's dead and the first officer is now incarcerated so I don't see what the fuss is about. The next coming eps will feature a white captain (Gabriel Lorca) of the USS Discovery anyway. Also, Star Trek has always been diverse since its inception.

I don't get the Klingons are based off Trump and his supporters... why do people bring politics into everything these days is beyond me. When I watched the prologue with the Klingons, not once did I go, "oh yeah, they sound like Trump supporters"...


Others have compared new Klingons to Africans or Islamists. Liberals have gone mental over Trump.


"I don't get the Klingons are based off Trump and his supporters... why do people bring politics into everything these days is beyond me. When I watched the prologue with the Klingons, not once did I go, "oh yeah, they sound like Trump supporters"... "
It felt to me like the klingons were based off muslims as they are composed of tribes that are usually fighting with each other. A terrorist in the group attempts to provoke a war with out siders in hopes to unify the various tribes of klingon and even includes religion to justify the war with the federation.


It's the show creators who brought it up.


Wait they actually said the klingons are based on Trump? Like how where are they remotely trump like?


Here's an example of what they said:


Wow idiots. I think they just shoe horned the battle cry but not much else trumpism. We could easily say its a another version of Allah Ackbar.

Did I miss the openly gay officer in the show? I'll have to watch episode 3 again.


Oh wait I'm picking up the overtones. Is his partner supposed to be the guy that died on the other ship?


That's the gay character, yes, but unsure whether the researcher who died is also supposed to be his lover...


Ok so sans a lover on the glen has the show identified this character as being homosexual in the plot alone?


Not in the show, but has been stated by people in it:

The Glenn must be named after John Glenn I guess.


Well one thing's for sure, this show is going to feature a lot of women. Discovery first officer is female also as well as Michael's shipmate.


Discovery's first officer is male, an alien played by Doug Jones.
