MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Dumbest horror twist.

Dumbest horror twist.

Spoilers ahead
I thought the movie was excellent, till they reveal what they want from Chris.
It's not just "brainwash", it's "brain translant". WTF?!?!?!?
I was waiting for something more believable, it doesn't fit very well with the behavior of the black folks he has met so far (they act all crepy and weird...does that come from the operation? Shouldn't they be totally normal till flashed in the eyes? They didn't behave normally at all. It would have made more sense if they talked like Eddie Murphy when he makes a white accent instead).
More importantly, the best they can do with the medical invention of the millennium is "keep it secret, kidnap black people (and black people only) to take their body and live longer".
Wouldn't ANY other commercialization be better than that?

I like the implications of it (it's kinda turning the racism on its head here, afterall these white folks all want to be black), but it's too out of the reality presented in the movie and is quite lame to believe compared, for instance, with the twist/explaination in Hostel: they are a bunch of crazy rich sadists that like to torture/kill and kidnap young tourists for that reason. It's believable and coherent.


I agree, the brain transplant is over the top, and a comedy element. I think that was intentional, but people are actually taking it seriously.


It was hillarious and scary because you know it's ireeversible...

I think because the media have taken this movie so seriously and have loaded a lot of importance on it, suddenly people are nit picking details that are normal in horror movies...

Even the director is pretending that it is not a comedic movie, despite having that rediculous TSA guy [spoiler]saving the day! [/spoiler]


I think you're right, it's too bad that the wirter/director didn't take the potential of his material more seriously because it could have been a real little masterpiece.
Instead it's just the flavor of the month.


flavor of the month the movie came out last February and just got nominated for best picture


Yes, indeed, it's the flavor of this month.
Don't worry after the oscars it goes straight back to the sunken place.

I'm saying it could have been a classic, not just a"yet another twilight zone horror".


I liked it too until it went full-blown stupid.

For me it ruined it. Or at least ruined its’ potential to be considered great in the genre of what the first 85% of the film was.

I have to watch again though, because I still think I must have missed something at the point the stupidity kicked in.


I'm afraid you didn't miss anything, you saw what most people saw too: stupidity kicking in.


Nope it got nominated for an oscar


The lead actor did. The film did not.


It did too! Here they are

Call Me by Your Name – Peter Spears, Luca Guadagnino, Emilie Georges, and Marco Morabito
Darkest Hour – Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Lisa Bruce, Anthony McCarten, and Douglas Urbanski
Dunkirk – Emma Thomas and Christopher Nolan
Get Out – Sean McKittrick, Jason Blum, Edward H. Hamm Jr., and Jordan Peele
Lady Bird – Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, and Evelyn O'Neill
Phantom Thread – JoAnne Sellar, Paul Thomas Anderson, Megan Ellison and Daniel Lupi
The Post – Amy Pascal, Steven Spielberg, and Kristie Macosko Krieger
The Shape of Water – Guillermo del Toro and J. Miles Dale
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – Graham Broadbent, Pete Czernin, and Martin McDonagh


I sit corrected!
Thanks for setting me straight.

I just assumed. My bad and I shall now go sit in a corner.


It is fine. It seems the Acadamy keeps changing the number of movies for the award every year.

All those movies are pretty much the same, Get out kinda breaks the mold for best picture.

Dunkurk was ok too, 3 Billboards only cause I have a man crush on Sam Rockwell


Indeed, that's a clear indication of timeless quality: the oscars...
