
First, apologies for the comments title - but I guess someone was going to say it, so here goes. There was a lot of enthusiasm and positive reviews for this film in the last week and perhaps that worked against it. However, to list my peeves, I found the music intrusive. The out of sync story line was unnecessary and irritating. Who the heck is Harry Styles? There were some silly posed moments as all the little boats sailed to the beach. Very few of the cast were distinct enough to be interested in.
The end result for me was I didn't hate this film but I didn't love it either - it was just slightly the wrong side of OK. In fact I'd rather watch the 1958 version again than this one.


All chris Nolan movies are completely overhyped by his fanboys, although his movies suck BIG time, nothing new there, this will end up on Idm top 250 for sure


Agreed 100%


Totally agree


Yep, I agree.



It was a good film but overhyped, as are the majority of his movies. Christopher Nolan's next film could just be him taking a dump on the floor and it will find itself in the IMDB top 250.
