MovieChat Forums > Dunkirk (2017) Discussion > Dunkirk vs Hacksaw Ridge

Dunkirk vs Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge is so far the best war movie this last couple of years..

Hacksaw Ridge was even more awesome and a very touching WW2 movie compared with Dunkirk though Dunkirk was good too....War scenes in hacksaw ridge were great too compared to Dunkirk


When I first saw Dunkirk I would've said I preferred Hacksaw Ridge, definitely. After seeing Dunkirk a second time, I liked the film a lot more and with each viewing I have a feeling I'll appreciate it more and more.


You should compared it to Heartbreak Ridge.


Just thought about the WW2 movies made in the last couple of years...sadly this is a diminishing genre in today's world of unrealistic CGI based superhero movies


Both very good, but also very different. Hacksaw is more of a traditional war movie and Dunkirk is more like a survival movie set in ww2. Parts of it feel like a disaster movie. The combat scenes in Hacksaw are some of the best, it was really gripping to see on the big screen. I gave both movies 8/10.


I loved Hacksaw Ridge and hated Dunkirk. Dunkirk is over hyped in my opininion.


I prefer Hacksaw Ridge.



they tackle some related themes, but also deal with very different ones... they are both very cinematic... aestheticalky, i prefer dunkirk, but the emotional edge goes to hacksaw


I really liked Hacksaw Ridge but I loved Dunkirk. I also appreciated that in Dunkirk I didn't have to hear about another 'girlfriend/wife back home' type of back story most war movies use to get you to root for the characters or tug at your heart. It was all about what was happening to these people at Dunkirk, which is bad enough in itself to make you feel scared for the characters. The fact that most of the cast was unknown heightened the tension because you didn't know who would die. Seen the movie 3 times and it gets better every time. Saw Hacksaw Ridge once and I have no desire to see it again, also the first half of the movie is just boring and Hugo Weaving's performance was not very good. The battle scenes are done really well and Andrew Garfield is brilliant but overall I obviously liked Dunkirk more.



Yeah, I really liked the scene at the beginning where the soldiers hear a plane about to swoop down on them before they even see it, and they all duck down in formation, since they're trapped on the bridge. That was an incredible (and suspenseful as hell) scene right there. It's definitely different from the usual "rah,rah,rah" war film in the sense that they aren't fighting a straight-up battle----they're simply trying to get off the beach in one piece before the Germans come and get them, and they don't have a lot of time to do that. It has some of the usual tropes of a war film, but then again, it dosen't---that's what makes it unique. I also liked the fact that it was shot on film, which explained why it looked slightly different. I especially liked the our-of-focus scene near the end---I was trying to recall when was the last time I'd actually seem such a shot in the film. I always liked the fact that it didn't rely on a whole lot of CGI for the actual battle scenes, and I liked how weird and suspenseful the music was.


Both films were good, but neither was particularly great.
