What the f***??

If I misinterpreted this scene, please correct me.....But there was a part where this online entity, got one of the characters shot by the police by phoning them, playing out of context voice clips of him saying he was going to shoot up a mail (which were obviously recording btw and no person would fool for it..)
But the most retarded thing of all.....The police show up with guns....ABOUT 2 FUCKING SECONDS AFTER THE CALL! LMAO!
Seriously!? The second the phone call is over, the cops show up with guns and blow him away, it had to of been the most retarded thing I'd ever seen in a film..

Please tell me I wasn't the only one blown away by this absolute insanity?


Sorry, but you're wrong. In the movie Damon specifically says that the phone call was made "two minutes ago" (at least according to the subtitles I've found). However he's also wrong: if you see the dial screen it says that the call was made at 8:14, but the time on the computer says it's 8:25 when AJ gets shot... so it took the police 10 minutes to get there.


Javier I think you're almost on point.

I'm watching it now, and I'm positive the guy actually said the call was made "10 minutes ago".

Same point being made, just wanted to point that out.


says that the phone call was made "two minutes ago" (at least according to the subtitles I've found).


I just watched it twice in the last week and they said 10 Minutes....Now I dont know about the subtitles...but For sure the dialog in the movie is 10 minutes....


I watched it with subtitles and it said two minutes. I didn’t catch the audio.


You may have been.

As others pointed out, the call was made several minutes before Charon let them know it had been made.

As for the "obviously recording btw and no person would fool for it"...think about it. Yeah, it was pretty obviously the audio version of a ransom note using ut outs from a newspaper, but the police wouldn't have ignored it because of that. Imagine if they were wrong, the guy DID go shoot up a mall and the 911 recording comes out that he called, stated his intentions and the police did nothing because they thought it was a pastiche of recordings. Just imagine the blowback.


Well Twitch Streamers get swatted often just because Trolls call the Police.
So i do not think this is too far off.
It was actually the only good entertaining kill in the movie.


Swatting is a real thing and there were people hurt by it. There was even once a shootout as a guy got swatted, thought he was being invaded by a burglar and shot at the police. So far only 1 person has died in swatting, hopefully the last too.
