Will Jessica Drew get her due?

She is the most iconic version of the Spider Woman character yet her legacy is being erased by this film. First Jessica Jones replaced her for the Netflix series and now Spider Gwen? What gives?


I prefer Julia Carpenter.


Gwen appears to have overshadowed Drew and possibly every other Spider gal in general. Ever since Spider-Gwen debuted her character has become only more and more popular, so to me it’s hardly surprising that she was THE Spider Woman in this movie. She’s very well-known and liked.

Will Drew ever get her due? Only time will tell. But Gwen is great.


I prefer Nancy Drew.


... her legacy is being erased by this film

I agree with you that she is the "most iconic" version, but I wouldn't say her legacy is being erased due to this film.

JD has her own unique (not to mention a bit convoluted) backstory and was mostly kept separated from Peter Parker's world. There isn't really much of a relationship ever established between them. Unlike Ant-Man with Hank Pym and Scott Lang.

The MCU simply isn't going to give her her own movie/story since they already have an established Spider-___ reality to work with. Although, I could see her showing up in a Gwen Stacy version of Spider-Woman-Verse.

Here is a planned, but never fully released JD animated movie that I think would make an excellent live action movie template:

It even had a pretty decent music video:


You are a poet and don't even know it.
