Any reviews yet?

I watched the first two over the summer, they are both full of cringeworthy dialogue, and plenty of laughable sex. They are the modern equivalent of the softcore porn that was on the top shelf of video stores in the 90s. Are there any reviews out there yet for the third one? I might actually want to see it in theaters.


Not that im aware of. But I wouldn't count on any good ones.


I wasn't expecting any good reviews, I saw the first two for free, and the second one was unbearably boring. I'm just curious, I might go to a matinee to watch the finale.


A coworker lent me the books last year. I admit that I was curious about what all of the hoopla was about. I even admit that I learned a few new things!😎
The thing I found cringe worthy was the writing. I understand that this started out as fan fiction. By the time these books were published, couldn't an editor have polished it up? Now you say that the movies are full of cringe worthy dialogue as well? I believe I'll skip those.


The movie wasn't screened for critics. Looks like it's fate has been sealed.


Predictably most have been terrible. I reviewed it myself if anyone is interested.

I'm trying to go for an entertaining, informative youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review right here-


Here is a review. HE TOUCHED EM GOOD!
