What type of gold coins does John Wick use as currency?


They're custom made for the John Wick universe. I'm 99% sure they're based on the South African Krugerrand in terms on dimensions e.t.c. Just with different design.


He uses the type of gold coins with chocolate inside. Assassins are notorious chocolate enthusiasts.


I felt like doing the same thing for cosplay.




They‘re coins that exist only in the John Wick universe. One that’s meant to be entirely separate from ours.

Chad Stahelski, the director, gave some background on them...

”Our whole reason for the coin, for instance, comes from the cold war. Spies back in the day used gold coins. You could melt it, it was non-identifying, and everyone in the world excepts gold. We thought, ‘what’s an international currency? Gold coins? Done.’ Then we thought 'let’s put a special stamp on them.' Then you have the gold coin as part membership card and payment. We then build the world up from something like that.”

Where exactly do they come from and what their value is, has deliberately been left to the imagination (maybe we’ll get answers in the third film). I like their usage in the films.


I bought some replicas. They aren't pure gold (I wish they were!) but they look good.


Nice. The collectible set that comes with the “gold” coins and the blood oath marker for sure looks amazing.

Definitely a cool thing to own.


I actually DID own some gold coins about the size John Wick used. Regretfully, I had to sell them to get my mother a new washing machine. Well, at least they went to a good cause (clean clothes!).
