List of complaints

I liked the movie. Didn't love it. Some minor and major complaints. Obviously SPOILERS!

1. The subtleties of Thanos's character are discarded and replaced with full-blown evil.

2. Cap chooses to abandon fighting with his team to protect the Earth in the present to stay back in history with Carter which is a fuck you to the Avengers, Carter's husband-to-be, and to the people of Earth-present-day. Also flies in the face of established rules set in the movie.

3. Ant Man and Wasp go to use the time travel machine in the bus mid-battle. They make a big deal about it but nothing happens.

4. To get the Soul Stone you have to "sacrifice something you love" but then it just turns out you have to simply serve up a warm body. The scene was as bland as Johanson's portrayal of BW for the entirety of the run.

5. I was hoping to like Cpt Marvel more in this. I expected the Russo brothers to make me like her, unlike her solo movie. I did like her intro scene in the big battle but again, huge power levels followed by her conspicuous absence. Felt edited-in in post. Still unhappy with the actress. Looks much better with the short hair.

6. Parker is gone for 5 years and all of his high school class mates are still in school?

7. Thanos was nearly killed when he used the stones to destroy the stones; not for simply using them. They seemed to forget this and had Tony suffer from that for plain "use"

8. How did Cap replace the Stones that were in space/Asgard?

9. Where did Thanos's massive army invasion shards come from in the end? They looked as big as his ship.

10. Thanos's personal villain crew were dispatched too easily. Giant Man stomps one and it's over for him, etc.

Plenty of cool scenes and I did enjoy myself. Would have liked quite a few things done differently. Movie felt messy, editing-wise and continuity.


2. Cap lived out a life with Peggy in alternate timeline, this reality Peggy and her husband-to-be were still married and produced offsprings like they did. This time-1 reality is completely intact, fyi. Cap used Pym particles to get back to time-1 to give a brand new shield to Falcon.

6. Parker and ALL of his classmates were gone for 5 years, that's why the reunion scene in school.

7. Thanos already suffered big burnout in Infinity War when he snapped his gauntlet the 1st time, go rewatch the scene, pay attention to his neck, arm and gauntlet.


re.2. Off camera ... umm, he uses the Pym particles or something. Yeah. He just comes back from his alt timeline. He used Pym particle to travel through space and replace the other stones too! Yeah yeah! Also used Pym particles to glue this helmet to a girder! >> They wanted the scene with Cap passing the shield off to Sam. So they tread on their own rules. Sloppy. I'll give them credit for touching on all of the characters with skill. Impressive. But not this Cap scene.

re.6. Fair enough. Already mollified regarding this one (sorta)

re.7. So I'm told. I need to watch it again.


Be ready for all the "damage control" posts that will pretend there was nothing wrong with the movie.


I like the movie too but... no more than that.

There is an issue which I do not understand. Thanos let alone Gamora and the "good" nebula without any guard who watch over them. I think that is absolutly unrealistic.


1. 2014 Thanos came to the realization that his 50/50 logic wouldn't work because of all the people who would refuse to let go. It was a realization that 2018 Thanos couldn't understand until his death.

2. This is a valid point. Cap basically only fights for ten years after being unfrozen. However considering the universe was just saved he probably figured all future problems would pale in comparison and that Sam would be plenty to handle it. I saw Sam as more of a background character while the core Avengers did their thing. With him being part of the core Avengers now he will have more opportunities to help than he did before.

3. It was one of those moments where they build something up just to have it destroyed. It raises the stakes.

4. It has to be somebody you care about. They proved it by trying their best to prevent the other from making the sacrifice.

5. She was always meant for assistance while having her moment. You could make the argument that Thor with Stormbreaker should've destroyed an unpowered Thanos yet he didn't. And in order for Thanos to take Carol out for the count he had to arm his fist with the power stone.

6. Endgame didn't show all of that. That is to be addressed in Far From Home.

7. The stones hurt him a lot when he uses them but they don't nearly kill him. They probably disabled his arm like they did to Hulk. Tony isn't nearly as strong as either of them.

8. Its left ambiguous. Perhaps to showcase further adventures of Cap.

9. If I had to guess I would say they all fit inside his massive ship.

10. This could also be a complaint for Infinity War since they seemed to die relatively the same in both. However Ebony Maw was the most powerful and he died from Tony's snap. Also Giant Man ain't no joke. If he got a good stomp on Thanos that would probably do it.


A lot of these complaints have already been addressed, explained, and discussed by fans for several weeks

Black Widow is not just a warm body to Hawkeye. Their relationship is sort of like one between fraternal twins. Hawkeye was supposedly the one who rescued her from her past life of evil, so she feels eternally indebted to him. I'm sure they will depict this in the Black Widow movie, which should make for a good story

I assume that Cap replaced some of the stones by using the space stone or reality stone. Just like Thanos was able to travel instantaneously between different points in place, anyone who wields the stones can do the same

Tony Stark died because he is not a superhuman. He's a mere mortal with the fragility of any regular human. Thanos is a superbeing, stronger than any of the Avengers except maybe a hyper-angry Hulk. He is far more resistant to the power of the infinity stones than Tony Stark. This should be obvious

Parker returned from the dead along with the key character classmates. Some of his classmates did stay behind after the snap, but the fat Hawaiian, Flash Thompson, MJ, and the rest were all snapped, so they are the same age as Peter. Sure this is very convenient, but it's not impossible that the snap would happen to kill of all the relevant Spider-Man cost. Possible is good enough for the producers. You can't say that it's a plothole

I liked that Thanos was evil. His plan was always too stupid and nonsensical to be coming from a compassionate and morally-conflicted individual. I might be in the minority, but I hated the way that they portrayed him in Infinity War. His plan is stupid plain and simple. So make him an evil MAD (as in crazy) Titan. The only reason they made him a sadboi in IW was because Marvel was insecure about never having a good complex villain. So they overcompensated in IW. But it was the wrong time and place to portray a morally gray bad guy. Killing half the population of the universe to save resources is dumb


" discussed by fans for several weeks "
He says to a post a month old.

Hawkeye didn't sacrifice BW. She sacrificed herself.


"Hawkeye didn't sacrifice BW. She sacrificed herself."

Now you're just splitting hairs. This is a fucking fantasy movie

How does the Soul Stone know whether Thanos actually cared about Gamora? You have to accept a certain level of Fantasy-logic. Maybe the stone has some form of consciousness. Some ability to exercise judgment

So it was willing to accept the attempts at mutual self-sacrifice between Hawkeye and Black Widow. I can't imagine how fans like you have made it this far into the franchise with how you seem to nitpick every little detail


Calm down.
