MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Avengers: Infinity War almost included a...

Avengers: Infinity War almost included a Sherlock joke between Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr.

"I should've said, 'No sh*t, Sherlock,'" one of the Russo brothers said in the commentary track for their film. "Everybody really wanted that joke." Downey has been playing Sherlock Holmes on the big screen while Cumberbatch has played the iconic role on the small screen.


A missed opportunity if there ever was one. Would have been brilliant. Damn!


Entire theaters would have groaned in unison! Hundreds of millions of viewers all hating the same joke!

Really, they were right. It was too obvious. So I really hope they don't put it in part 2.


You are so certain of that. Oh you! Heh.

Well, I’m certain the MAJORITY of viewers across the globe would’ve gotten a kick out of it, no matter how ostensibly obvious it’d be.

And that’s the bottom line cuz Drac said so! (Inadvertently used a famous wrestling catchphrase— not a wrestling fan).


I am shocked, SHOCKED, to find that one person would gave liked it!

But they can't use it now, not after they've talked about it and everything.


I would have shot the biggest load in the history of all loads if that happened, LOL.


That would have sucked.
