Thanos's logic is flawed

Thanos snaps his fingers and halves the population of the known universe by half....but what would that accomplish? The world's population is 7.6 billion people, so if he halves it it'll be 3.8 billion people, what the population was roughly in assuming Infinity War occurred in present day the earth's population would be back to its present number of 7.6 billion in roughly 50 years and presenting the same problems again with overpopulation and low resources.

Had Thanos used proper logic he would have lowered it further, dropping it by 50% only puts a band aid on an open wound.


Yep, Thanos motive in the movie is flawed, in the comics he does it to impress Death who he happen to be in love with and thats why he does all the killing.


Isn't Death Wades girl?


Not in Infinity war comic book


What I mean is that Wade already have the "Been there, done her" t-shirt.


Thanos logic is also flawed in what about planets that don't have population problems? If he halves the whole universe, underpopulated planets would be crippled, civilizations wouldn't arise, technologies wouldn't advance, etc.

Ever thought about that, Thanos??


Ever thought about that, Thanos??

Thanos doesn't care. That's why they call him the Mad Titan, not the Sensible Titan.


Additionally, Thanos taking out half the known universe also depletes a lot of our resources (especially food) by half.


The plan is as illogical as it is fallacious.

If you can do interstellar travel and terraforming, you have no overpopulation or recources issues anymore. You would have planets of gold, diamond, water etc.

Also just randomly reducing population by half is moronic: you kill the best people and multipliers. It's just the worst way to tackle overpopulation.

But it's not meant as a film for the thinking man, it's unapologetic clobber porn.


He's delusional in that he thinks everyone will be happy about what he's done after the fact and see the value of it ("watch the sun set on a grateful universe"). He calls Gamora's planet a "paradise" after he killed 50% of the population there.

So he's assuming that after everyone sees how wonderful life is with half the population of their planet dead, they will agree with his way of thinking and take steps to keep their own population under control from that point forward, no longer allowing it to grow unchecked.


Thanks, Thanos!
