MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > What I think happens to those people in ...

What I think happens to those people in Avengers 4... (spoilers)

Those people who got dusted.

I'm pretty sure they won't give us an Avengers 4 without Spiderman, Scarlet Which,
Black Panther, Quill, Doctor Strange ec. up to the end fight against Thanos.

That would be an empty movie ;)

So I guess everybody vanished will show up in another realm/dimension
and with Nick Fury there, maybe he brings all of them together and
we have two sets of Avengers.

The originals in "our" world and the vanished ones in another realm/dimension.

The only ones who could be gone forever are Loki and maybe Vision -
Gamora will find her way back imho.


Yeah, my guess is everyone vanished into Soul World, the realm inside the Soul Stone. If the movies follow the comics, that is also where Gamora ended up after she died.


Yes, after avoiding everything about the movie up until last night when I finally went to the cinema
- I read around the web now.. finally free ;)

The Soulstone-World seems to be the most expected thing to happen.

Really wonder who will poof in Agents of Shield and what they'll do with season 6 up to Avengers 4.


I've heard rumors that Hiddleston's contract isn't up and that he'll be appearing in future films, for what that's worth.

Because yeah, with Spider-Man and Doctor Strange sequels on the way, it's not like they're actually DEAD dead. What did Strange say as he calmly crumbled... "It has to be this way" or "This has to happen" or something? He's seen 14 million futures, and he was acting like it was for the best.


I guess if they bring back Loki and Heimdall, they loose any credibility in meaningful deaths ;)


Loki will be back in Avengers 4 at least in a flashback scene to the first movie.


Loki is one of my favorites, though it would be nice to see him back it wouldn't help the AIW - Heimdall and Loki's deaths are those few "real" deaths (as real as they can be in a CBM).


Loki makes a habit of faking deaths and surrenders, so I think it's EXTREMELY likely that he'll pop up all alive, and do something to help defeat Thanos and then screw everyone over again. It's what he does.

And he probably faked that whole scene at the beginning of the film, he must have, because there's no way he'd try to kill someone like Thanos with something as stupid as a palmed knife. In fact, he probably convinced a stupid person to trade places with an illusion, thereby allowing the stupid person to get close enough to Thanos to try knifing him, and allowing Loki to get away clean.


Everyone that turned to ash will have a connection to the soul stone. Gamora will too. Bringing them back will in some way involve the soul stone.
