MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > is this Queens Worst Predict and fail of...

is this Queens Worst Predict and fail of all time?

of course we all know Queen took a brutal beating this weekend...

Queen made many prediction for Captain Marvel and they all went down in flames this weekend...

Epic fail 1-queen guaranteed CM "Aint No Wonder Woman" and claimed CM was probably looking at AM2 type numbers....which means queen guaranteed an opening Weekend between 75 to 102 Million.

Epic fail 2-Queen claimed Captain Marvel would not match Aquaman's domestic total....thats guaranteed now.

but for me....the real stunner A fail so horrific, I believe ONLY QUEEN is capable of it ....and that is Queens prediction that Captain Marvel was ONLY going to make 400 Million World Wide....

simply put, ONLY queen could predict a LIFETIME GROSS of 400 M and Then the films literally tops that In less than 3 days....

The second I saw deadlines report that CM is already at 455 M WW....A giant smile came upon my face....I instantly chuckled, and thought...."Jesus this could be one of Queens greatest fails"

sure Queen Misses consistenlyt by 50 Million + on Opening Weekends...

but queen rarely gives World Wide total predictions....

Queen was extremely confident for the last 2 months that CM wasnt going to get close to Wonder Woman's box office in any way...and in that over confident, he slipped up and gave a World Wide prediction for CM....and that prediction was "Half of Wonder Woman's total box office"....Or at best 405.5 M WW

simply put, I know its extremely hard for you to remember All of Queens fails...

but seriously Who else OTHER than Queen could fail this horrifically?

who else could predict 400 M for a TOTAL Life time gross and then that film end up topping that in less than 3 days?

obviously as a whole, given ALL of queens FAILED predictions combined, theres no doubt....This is a top 3 fail all time for Queen...

But I actually think just queens 400 Million WW prediction alone is worthy of one of queens biggest fails ever...



My thought: When a movie sucks, endlessly debate the money it will/will not make.


My thought: When a movie sucks, endlessly debate the money it will/will not make.


then why are you here?

Captain Marvel is considered a good movie where people are debating the money it will/will not make.

If your looking for "Movies that Sucks and people debating the money it will/will not make."

go to the DCEU boards....those movies were awful in every way(except WW)...yet people are still debating the money they made....

In fact you should probably avoid all 21 of the MCU films, because not 1 of the 21 has a Negative consensus....

I'm sorry it seems you Picked the worst possible Franchise if your looking for "Movies that Suck"


Please come back with something better than "No plenty of MCU films suck...critics are biased"

for this convo to go any further, provide something more than Your Opinion...

you may feel Captain Marvel Sucks...but I'm sorry, Your opinion is not shared by the Majority...

again if you are looking for "Movies that Suck but made money"...The DCEU is full of them...The Transformer films are great examples....

Basically just avoid the MCU films...because they do not by definition fit your standards as They all, literally all 21 films have a positive consensus...

lol nice try



Have you seen CM yet?

Just saw it tonight and I loved it!


no I havent....

I planned on see it...But I must admit, I think this might be the first MCU film I dont see in theaters...

for me personally, This is by far the least interested I've been in any MCU film...

and it didnt start out that way....Before any trailers hit....I was really liking what I was hearing from Kevin Fiege about the film, I really liked the Bree Larson casting...I was excited for the movie.

But Then the Trailers hit...and for whatever reason, they did NOTHING for me...

I kept waiting for another trailer to get me Excited or TV Spots...but Nothing I have seen, puts a fire under me to go see this movie at the theaters...

I still Planned on seeing it this weekend...But I had some family problems...

But Now I'm thinking I probably wont see it in theaters...I Think I've seen every MCU film on Opening Weekend in I was planning to do the same thing...

But now that opening weekend has past, I just dont see me getting motivated to see it....

I'll probably end up waiting until it comes out on Blu ray to see it, again I expect to enjoy it, but for whatever reason for me personally The Marketing campaign not only didnt work but it made less interested in the movie...

Also...I'm kinda Obsessed With another Movie right now...and Its pretty much all I can think about

Jordan Peele's "US" comes out in 2 weeks....and I'm beyond Hyped

I loved Get Out

I've been excited for a year and a half now for his next project which was first announced as a "Horror/thriller"

Then came the trailer and dear lord , I knew it was going to be Special...

Now reviews are coming out, Its got a perfect 100% RT and the reviews are not just Positive, they are overwhelmingly positive...

A lot of reviews are calling it a Masterpiece...

saying this cements Peele as a director that going to be a legend in 10 years

also saying The Performances in The Movie are amazing and Oscar worthy...

I love Horror movies and especially Love Actual GREAT horror movies...

"Us" was my 3rd most anticipated movie coming into 2019 behind Glass at #1 and Avengers Endgame At #2...

Glass for me turned out to be one of the most disappointing films I've ever watched and Literally my 2nd worst theatrical experience Only behind BvS...

right Now....I actually think I'm more excited for Us than Endgame....

have u seen the trailers "Us" or read the reviews

reply wasn't nearly as crazy about Get Out as most people were and these US trailers don't do much for me, tbh.

I probably will see it, though.


what did you Not like about "Get Out"?

worth noting...I too wasnt as crazy about it as everyone else the first time I watched it...

I bought it when it came out on BR, watched it, thought it was Good, maybe a 7.5/10....

Then about 4 months later I watched it again and was kinda blown away...Had a completely different experience, absolutely LOVED It...

and Man, I dont see how the trailers for Us couldnt NOT get you excited....for me they've been amazing...


I didn't dislike it but I didn't love it either.

It felt like an overlong Twilight Zone episode, tbh.

As far as the US trailers...I'll have to watch them again but they just haven't intrigued me.

I'm surprised you don't want to see CM before Endgame. It's not essential but will sure enhance your appreciation for the character in the context of the film.

I really liked it but...then again...I loved Doctor Strange and most people didn't.


It felt like an overlong Twilight Zone episode, tbh.

That got me thinking -- I think it would have been even better in black and white.


I'm also looking forward to Peele's reboot of The Twilight Zone. Big year for him.


My friend's wife's daughter said it was boring.

Also, you're a grown adult with the fervor of a child arguing over a children's comic book movie. Not only that, said children's movie has adult political themes which make the whole thing even more ridiculous. Wonder Women doesn't need that. Alita doesn't need it either.


But, but....
*insert hugely ridiculous predictable excuses and arguments against this film’s success here*

My reaction to the miserably failed silly efforts/hopes of queen and his fellow trolls (a loud but vocal minority indeed)...

