MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > Roger Rabbit's Palace SPOILERS

Roger Rabbit's Palace SPOILERS

What did you guys make of that scene? I really enjoyed it. I wonder why Andy was singled out and zoomed up the vortex into the Fireman's presence? Why him? And will he remember what he was shown?

Also, the stitched-eye she's in Twin Peaks? Like WTF!!! What the hell is happening?????


Well, that WAS weird, huh? I think Andy was singled out because of his pure character and nothing else. He had the best possible connection to the White Lodge out of the guys there. I guess it helped that, like Major Briggs, Andy doesn't have any capacity for malevolence.

I wasn't expecting the eyeless woman to show up again. Her appearance is a real curveball, since it shows that (at least some) Lodge dwellers can fully incarnate in the real world. There's nothing to suggest that she's a trapped human like Cooper, who'd "belong" on Earth - maybe the rules for passing into the real world are on a case-by-case basis. After all, Bob was a highly powerful spirit but needed to possess proxies to accomplish his goals. But that's just me thinking out loud, I don't think we've got all the puzzle pieces here.

One thing that you didn't mention that I thought was really interesting was the scene where the cops reappear around the Jackrabbit's Palace. It's the same effect we've seen in Parts 8 and 11 with the Woodsmen phasing in and out of view.


Oh yeah, that scene with the cops reappearing definitely reminded me of the Woodsmen doing the same. Could it be that they too went back and forth to 'another dimension' or several, and just don't remember. I mean Truman did say just that, that he didn't remember anything that happened.

I think you're right about Andy. He really is of pure heart and that's why he was chose, probably. There's not a bad bone in him.

Yes I just don't know what to make out about the eyeless woman I guess there are no 'rules' to who can enter and return from the Black Lodge and the White Lodge.

I don't know, maybe we are getting prepped for 'the return' of Laura Palmer?


About the cops and Woodsmen... Yeah, I guess so. I think we can reasonably guess that this effect shows up when physical bodies (and not spirits) are passing between worlds or dimensions. Unless people are somehow transformed (from body to spirit) when crossing a vortex, then it's possible that the Woodsmen are flesh and bone.

I remember there was some speculation that they were the dugpa sorcerers mentioned before S3, but maybe they're just hosts who'd become corrupted by possession and "acclimated" to the Lodge?

Didn't Sheryl Lee hint on playing a new character in one of the early S3 interviews? I could be misremembering things, but I think the redhead character she was supposed to play after Maddie was mentioned this year by her and/or Lynch.


Well it would be great if Sheryl Lee came back as a new character, but I don't recall hearing anything about it. I thought everyone involved in Season 3 had to keep their mouth shuts about what would happen.


Dugba sorcerers? I googled that, but couldn't get an appropriate definition.



Not sure how relevant it is, but I noticed that the credits for the stitched-eyed woman referred to her as "experiment."


Wow, that's interesting! I wonder who was doing the experimenting, hey?


Experiment is played by Erica Eynon, that's the figure spewing the frog eggs in Part 8.

The eyeless woman is Naido, played by Nae Yuuki.


Ah, okay, my bad. I don't remember that character in this episode?


She was shown very briefly during Andy's recap in the White Lodge (?). Actors in archival footage get full credit this season, including deceased cast like Frank Silva or Don Davis.

I know Lynch brought back the actor playing Renault just to give him a paycheck, and (100% my speculation) I think he insisted on this credit format in order to give Sheryl Lee money each time she's shown in the opening. He seems to be doing a lot of favors this time around - both of these actors needed cash for medical treatments.


Wow what a nice guy Lynch is.


Andy also must possess some type of mental ability on some level, because he was the one who figured out that the cave drawing in S2 was a map.


Yeah he's not stupid at all.


I think maybe the stiched-eye woman is Judy, who is Josie's sister, and the person referred to by Phillip Jeffries when he said "Well now. I'm not gonna talk about Judy; in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all, we're gonna keep her out of it!".

The monkey also said her name.


Wow that would be really interesting if she is Judy. I've always wondered 'who the hell is Judy?' lol


Jackrabbit's palace was freaky as hell. I agree with whoever said andy was singled out because of his simple minded innocence. Will he remember? ....probably not.
Did the stitched-eye woman remind anyone else of liam mcpoyle?


I had to google that. I hadn't even heard of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Isn't he the same actor from Westworld?


Yes poodles. Lol!




Yes Andy will remember. He deciphered everything and told them the woman was important and needs to be kept a secret and locked up in the cell for her protection. Although, I don't know why they put here in same slot with Chad. I'm very suspicious of Chad. I agree with everyone that Andy is kind hearted. Seems he was only one who held the blind woman's hand. Very tender and caring.


Yeah, with the camera emphasizing the compassion he was showing even as he was looking up at the vortex I wonder if that's why he ended up being chosen. Love was said to be a key to the White Lodge in S2, with Windom Earle using Annie's fear to open the Black Lodge.


Thanks for reminding me of Windom Earle. I need to finish S2.


Jack Robert Palance SPOILER



Time for you medication kiddo/granpa.


All I could think of was that the eyeless woman might somehow be needed to revive Cooper, who could very well be on his way to Twin Peaks if Agent Cole has any success. I noted that Andy was shown both Coopers.


The original message had 3 Coopers (I'm assuming the 3rd to be Dougie who is no longer in play, hence it is now 2 Coopers).


The answer to the question "why Andy" was given in the show itself when the guy with the green glove was telling his story. He asked the Giant/Fireman "why me" and the Giant/Fireman replied "why not you".

To further explore this hypothesis: Andy also seems to have a degree of purity that seems to be required to access whatever place the Giant/Fireman is located. So did Cooper and the guy with the Green Glove [he himself stated that all he wants to do is to help people; which is in consonance with Coopers character and Andy as well]. You can see Andy's good nature throughout the show and specially with his wife, who he is very concerned about, specially her well-being and happiness. So, it seems [in this view] that the Giant/Fireman contacts people with these kind of traits [good natured, selfless, and loving].

He will remember everything because he was shown things on purpose.

As far as I can tell about Naido [the eyeless woman] she is either Judy or Phil Jeffreys herself. And I say this based on the following:

In FWWM Phil Jeffreys goes into the FBI office and refuses to tell about a person named Judy. He points to Cooper while asking Gordon "Who do you think this is here" [meaning that in the Lodge he could see both the present, past and future and knew of Cooper's Doppelganger]. But the most interesting thing is that he describes the "meeting above the Convenience Store" and we see it unfolding. As the meeting unfolds, we don't see David Bowie there BUT we do see him there albeit not with his physical normal self. He is the guy with a mask that reveals a monkey behind; which - if my interpretation is correct - signifies that he was there undercover but still a scared primitive being compared to the spirits there. The monkey whispers "Judy" and this is the evidence [or better yet, the way Lynch tells us visually] that that monkey is indeed Jeffreys.
In either way, Jeffreys was there probably because of her; hence his refusal on talking about her


I would also like to point out that "the guy with a mask" is not the little kid [or "Magician"] that says "fell a victim" when pointing to Bob. The camera does a bad cut to him putting and removing his mask and transitioning to a monkey behind the zoomed mask. It's a simple and crude editing trick to reveal something else; but the point is, that that seems the way Lynch found to show us that Jeffreys was there at the Meeting. And we probably shouldn't take the visuals literary as implying that it's the kid who shows us a monkey [well, indeed it was back then, but that kid is Laura Palmer's father younger self; but since the show is getting stuff added, and FWWM already added some extra stuff around a Judy and Phil we can easily extrapolate that Jeffeys was just another person with a mask on. If I remember correctly there were 2 individuals there with masks. One being the dancing Totemic creature and the Magician kid. So I guess Jeffreys would be the Totemic creature that does the monkey sounds]

You can see it here:
