Tonight's the night!

Who is ready? I'm hoping for the best but ready for the worst.

Have you done a rewatch to get ready? Unfortunately i didn't have time.

Are you watching alone? With a group? Waiting to binge? What are you looking for? Plot lines? Characters?


Soooo, so very ready! Don't see how Lynch can go wrong here, really. When he said he was done with filmmaking after INLAND EMPIRE, I was heartbroken, but now, the best show ever, returning with 18 whole hours of Lynchian goodness, how can it not be amazing? Done the rewatch, read the books and insanely ready for the gloriousness!


Only 3 hours to go (but I will be sleeping soon and catch it in the morning).


General_Sunstone! I love your enthusiasm. David Lynch is the master. I have Laura Palmer's diary somewhere in this house. I didn't have enough time to rewatch the movie but I did watch the TV show on Netflix. God, it was weird and good. We watched the premiere episode tonight. I got that little stomach flutter I get when something really good is about to happen. I loved it! It looked so beautiful, the saturated colors, the chiaroscuro hotel rooms, and the creepy New York apartment(?). Crazy dialogue! I never thought it would happen. It was a heartbreaker when it was cancelled. Love it!


As ready as I'll ever be! :p It's crazy to think it's already here.

And I didn't get time for a re-watch either, but the final episode of season 2 will get a viewing from me before the new show premieres.

As far as my expectations go, it's hard to say right now. The best thing I can hope for, is a quality Lynch production that will do the original justice (and I expect just that). So yeah, I'm excited to step back into the world of Twin Peaks.


So is "nobody" watching this... or is it just that nobody is chatting?

My Name is Nobody.


Watching right now. So far no opinion yet. Just halfway into episode 1, and a little confused by the slow, dreamy, nightmarish way every character behave, but it´s Lynch ... I am exited and am going to watch all 4 episodes in one sitting.

My Name is Yesbody.
