MovieChat Forums > The Predator (2018) Discussion > A little concerned by the rapidly fallin...

A little concerned by the rapidly falling RT score

When I first checked the RT score for this film a few days ago, it was at 67. Not a great score, but I thought to myself, "Not bad for an action movie!" We know, after all, that action films are not critics' favorite.

I was hoping that as more reviews rolled in that the score would improve. But instead it started falling and has continued to fall, with the score lower each new time I checked it. And now it's sitting at fucking 40!

I really hope the film is better than that.


Metascore dropped 56-53-50 over last 3 days. Imdb reviews are somewhat better.


I'm hoping it's a situation where if you don't love action movies then perhaps you won't love The Predator, but if the action genre is a favorite of yours then the movie's a lot of fun.

I guess we'll see. I intend to go see it on Saturday.


I love the review from Thw New York Post. Calls it racist and sexist then insults people with tourettes in the same paragraph.

SJ at its best.

I though this looked bad but will check it out now if twits like that are against it.


Review I read looked just like the trailers. Doesn't know if it wants to be a comedy or an action film and fails at both.


This happens to almost every movie.

The more reviews a movie receives on Rotten Tomatoes, the more likely it would receive negative reviews. Look at Sharknado, it has an 82% consensus on Rotten Tomatoes but it's because only 17 critics reviewed that movie. If 200 critics review Sharknado, the consensus would obviously be a lot lower than 82%.


Yeah, I've also noticed that early reviews on movies tend to be more positive than later reviews. I have a few theories on why that may be the case, but it's a consistent trend.

I thought The Predator may see a drop as more reviews came in, but I didn't expect it to drop from 67% to 40%. That's just crazy.

Statistically, it really seems like we would sometimes see it go the other way--later reviews bringing UP the score instead of the other way around--but we rarely do for whatever reason.


Not many movies (regardless of genre) that start out with a 60-something score on almighty RT see an improvement with every new review. It’s usually the very opposite that happens, and that appears to be the case with the newest Predator.

So yeah, looks like we have another less-than-stellar entry in the series. You’ll hardly see any critics calling the movie very good, let alone great. Many are finding it underwhelming, some are calling it a mess, and some are saying it does deliver the goods for a Predator movie (or that it delivers just enough).

I say go in, try to have a good time with it, and judge it by its own merits. That’s what I’m doing later. Yeah I wish the reception had been significantly better (not surprise it isn’t) and it sucks knowing the Predator franchise still hasn’t had a truly worthy sequel. But personally, I don’t want to see this movie any less than I did a month ago.


A long time ago I was rooting for this. I thought Shane Black would bring a fresh perspective to this.

But with each successive trailer, I just could not root for it any longer. It just didn't look good at all.


That's interesting. Most people have thought the trailers have gotten BETTER from one to the next.

It does seem to have a different tone and feel from the rest of the films, judging by the trailers. More comedy, a lighter tone.

I have no idea if the film is any good, but I'm surprised you don't feel like this film represents a "fresh perspective" based on what we've seen so far.
