MovieChat Forums > Richard Jewell (2019) Discussion > was Kathy Scruggs really that bad??

was Kathy Scruggs really that bad??

the character was terrible.


I read that they are saying she never traded sex for stories but it makes you wonder why that agent told her what he did.

That said most journalists are despicable so yeah, she was probably not a very nice person. More than happy to drag a guys name through the mud in order to make a name for herself.


I mean, she died of a drug overdose in 2001, so I mean, she probably walked on the wild side a little.

From her brother:

“Her heart gave away. It was just hard living,” her brother said to the publication. Lewis Scruggs added, “Her choice of boyfriends was not great. She spent all the money she had and more and would go into the depths of depression. The word ‘filter’ was not in her body. I loved Kathy, but she was crazy.”


she was portrayed as amoral i thought.


But she changes her mind too late after all that damage has been done.

The most infuriating part of the film is when she asked Jewell in an angry accusatory voice why the FBI is investigating him. In other words you must be guilty if they are interested in you. Like she never heard of not guilty until PROVEN innocent?


i agree. the fbi are not always right.


guilty until proven is a legal thing, has nothing to do with how humans work. As she is not a lawyer or judge, it is only unethical, what she did, but normal process for scumbag journalists.


She may be representing a dark influence.


Everything I've learned about her makes me think it's very plausible.


No, the sex for info scene is fake, but Clint said "it could've happened". Yes and maybe someone was in that empty chair!
On the other hand she reported the false story that Jewell was the bomber. The only evidence they had was he fit an FBI profile and everyone knows profilers are 'tards.
