MovieChat Forums > Matilda: The Musical (2022) Discussion > Emma Thompson as Trunchbull? Seriously?

Emma Thompson as Trunchbull? Seriously?

Not a good casting choice. At all.


They should have gotten Pamela Rabe from Wentworth


I’ve never heard of Pamela Rabe, I’ve never seen her act, but looking her up on Google images, she does at least fit the profile better for the Trunchbull.

Emma Thompson does not. Not because she’s a bad actress - far from it - but she is not the imposing, larger-than-life, physically intimidating type. She would not scare kids the way the Trunchbull in the book did, nor would she be up to the physically demanding role that the character is written for - I mean come on, this woman is supposed to be a retired Olympic athlete that still uses kids as throwing practice!

Nearly 10 years ago, Emma Thompson was an elderly curmudgeonly PL Travers in Saving Mr. Banks. She has aged quite a bit since then. Once again, NOT the Trunchbull type (and never was, even when she was young).


If you ever watched Prisoner: Cell Block H and enjoyed it then you may want to give Wentworth a go. Rabe plays the main villain Joan Ferguson a prison warden who terrorises the inmates, so playing a teacher who terrorises the children is up her street.


Thanks for the recommendation, that actually does sound more in line with the Trunchbull type. Does she sing? This is, after all, the musical we are talking about.


I've no idea but as I understand it, the actress has worked quite a lot on the stage so maybe.


She definitely looks the part. That being said Thompson did an excellent job in the role.


Trunchbull is usually played by a man on stage. I guess they were trying to be more politically correct by using a fat suit??

Yes this is sarcasm.


I read they wanted Anne Hathaway but the pandemic postponed production and she couldn’t do it. Another rumor is they wanted Ralph Fiennes.


Anne Hathaway would have made even less sense as the Trunchbull.

(Also, no “pandemic” postponed anything, the elites and our criminals-in-office did.)


It seems like an odd choice, but it works. She disappears into the role and is quite effective.


I highly doubt that.


Have you seen the trailer or are you just on here spamming your books?


I don’t have to see any trailer to know I won’t like a movie.


So you’re just spamming your books?


So you’re just trying to pick a fight with me because you don’t like what I have to say?


He always is.


Oh look, it’s the two-faced conservative who thinks it’s okay that Disney put out a show about the devil and Antichrist being good guys.


What an embarrassing shitpost. Thompson did an excellent job.


Embarrassing for who, exactly?

If it’s supposed to be me, you’re out of luck because I am not the least bit embarrassed for speaking my mind about this.

If it’s embarrassing for you, I don’t see what my views on this casting choice have to do with you, so why would you be embarrassed?

And why should I care if my posts embarrass you or not?


This is the best trunchbull, hard topping this.


I agree, Trunchbull in the 1996 movie was perfectly cast.
