not sure about this one

watched the first episode. not entirely sure what it is about. I didn't read the book so I felt is was very disjointed.


I quit after the 2nd episode. It is really very bad. They let King do the teleplay and his voice is too clear in it. Heavy handed. Same 'ol attempt at creating folksy jargon nicknames. Everyone is completely unlikable. The villain is 200% absurd instead of creepy. Overly long scenes. Even tried stuffing cut-away jump scares in, out of the blue.


Watch The Servant instead. It gets twice as much done in half the time. Better acting, directing, everything.


I'll probably stick with it. haven't watched The Servant yet, but hope to over the summer.


Probably this is what the fans of King would like to see. But if you meant that it is too literary for a TV show, I would agree.

The villain is overwrought a bit but this is non-realist fiction and it does not matter. Actually I think they made it believable without anybody acting too stupid.


Critics ripped it apart. So don't expect it to get better.

I'll keep watching because of the cast. I'm a big fan of Julianne Moore.


Yeah I really like the cast. Can't believe how unlikable they all are in this.


So it's confusing as hell right? Not worth a watch if you don't like confusing shit?


i'll admit. that they are 3 episodes in and i am liking it a lot more. things are becoming clearer.


It isn't that it is confusing, it is that it is written, directed, and acted so poorly. It's a shit bool.


Makes me wonder if you are not the type of a person who says "bad writing, acting directing" for everything he doesn't like without having a clue about these things. Writing does take a slight dip towards the end but nothing that bad.


Omg, it gets WORSE?


The story unfolds very slowly with many flashbacks and this could be disorienting at first, but eventually everything settles. It is not confusing like a Refn movie or something.

The episodes are pretty consistent in tone, tempo and quality. If you wouldn't like the first 1-2 episodes, it is not worth it to continue.


It is a good show. Burning very slowly, but well made and acted. Good entry into the "weird fiction" genre.

Won't make everybody happy, because of its meandering and overwritten script, but I didn't mind. It is good writing but it does not fit well in a TV show.



it ended up being good. the last episode was a bit underwhelming.
