MovieChat Forums > The Expanse (2015) Discussion > Season 2, Episode 7 (spoilers)

Season 2, Episode 7 (spoilers)

Naomi continues to keep the secret regarding the protomolecule still being stored in hiding, but for how long?

I was hoping we'd get to see the Eros crash site on Venus, but I guess that comes later? :)

Plenty of character development this episode, especially on Tycho Station and the MCRN Scirocco regarding what happened to Bobbie's team... I will admit though it's getting a little old that this girl is always angry, like get a life already and change the attitude. Looking forward to her UNN 'interrogation'.


Interesting that her superiors try to hide the "alien" implication.


Apparently they want her to focus only on one thing- preventing war. Or maybe they think she is crazy with this alien thing.


Interesting to hear Fred say Dawes is the man that should represent the Belt to the UN, but then after Dawes speech, he probably regretted saying that seeing that he has a different perspective from his.

Dawes' presence certainly makes it more interesting.


What about Fred Johnson's second in command Drummer? The looks she was making suggested that she's not at ease with what's happening. I wouldn't be surprised if she put a bullet in Fred Johnson's head because Dawes ordered her to.


Fred seems to have trouble maintaining authority ever since Dawes arrived. It's interesting to watch Dawes come on station and suddenly everyone is kissing up to him.

EDIT: I liked when Dawes told Holden "you remind me of someone, only without a hat", thinking of Miller. (btw, I still have hope that Miller is alive)


I think your hope will be reality soon. I have a feeling Julia kept him safe much like the blond kept the doctor safe in Battlestar Galactica.


A bit slow and uneventful episode, considering the cliffhangers from the last two ones. Would have loved to see something more from Venus/Eros/Miller or what really happened in the "alien attack", but I guess that after two smashing good action-filled episodes it's ok with one filler here.

Yeah, there is definitely something up with Fred's second in command. Been going on for a couple of episodes now, and I'm quite sure she will steal command of the nukes somehow and do something stupid.


Agree about the second in command. Fred's stay may be short lived.

Yes, this episode lacked a sense of urgency or something dramatic and definitely was slower. Hopefully things speed up and heat up a bit when Bobby goes to testify to the UN and tells them that she saw this alien creature.

I too want to see what happened at Venus. I hope next week.


I was wondering how will the alien thing play out.

So far, it didn't. We again saw the footage of an alien chasing UN marines, and I noticed that he moves like an alien (not like a human being would) but Bobbie apparently didn't have enough time to notice that. The alien face she saw in the end she described as "a person without a space suit", and this was dismissed as hallucination. (another possibility is that Martian leaders know something about the aliens, and discouraged Bobbie to even think that there are aliens involved. And why would she? She has no idea they exist)

It was surprising to learn that Bobbie is the lone survivor of the Ganymede attack and that UN didn't have any survivors, footage or communications about the attack that would mention aliens.


- Draper continues to annoy. She is a lot more composed, emotionally stable and menacing (when needed) in the books. This one is an overgrown baby in an armored suit.

- Inaros was mentioned as being present in the tribal council. Which is strange considering how profoundly important this character to one of the Roci crew members.

+ I love the devious Fred and this whole thing with inner political kitchen of the belt. We get a glimpse of that in the last book but, so far, it's a lot more interesting in the show.

+ While Jane remains the greatest casting find of the series, I think Harris (Anderson Dawes), without a doubt, gets the second place.


what do you mean by "casting find?"


I meant he is perfect for the role.


i completely agree & i am said that he died


Until that expedition to Venus, we won't know for sure now, will we? )))
