Is This A Reboot?

How come it has a separate listing on here from Doctor Who:-


Uh? Thats weird, the new series should come just under the modern era of Who (2005) esp since RTD is in charge again


Sort of. But also not really.

RTD has decided that next season will be known as Season 1. Presumably this has to do with the new Disney distribution deal. Or perhaps it's to do with it now being co-produced by RTD's Bad Wolf Productions (Now a subsidiary of Sony).

And there is a firmer emphasis than usual on a fresh start... but it's always a fresh start when there's a new Doctor and/or new producers, so it's not really any different from the 'reboot' it gets every three or four years. RTD isn't abandoning the continuity (such as it is) or anything like that. It's still a continuation.

So, sure, it's a reboot of sorts -- but it always is, so... it's Schrodinger's reboot.



Pity they didn't just go with a full reboot. I thought they might have done that when the max number of regenerations was up but I think I read they retconned that instead.

I'm not a massive fan but it would be interesting to hear the real big fans views on that but it's hard for most to get past the female and gay doctor stuff I guess...

A reboot would be good as it could almost be done like the rebooted Planet of the Apes by going back to the genesis of the doctor and first encounters with the daleks, cybermen, etc.


Well, as a big fan of the show, I can't agree with the idea of a proper, chuck-it-all-out-and-start-again reboot. Doctor Who doesn't need such a thing because it sort of reboots every time they change the lead actor anyway.

I know that some people who've never seen it are daunted by the sheer vastness of it, but they needn't be. You don't need to know huge amounts about Doctor Who to get into it. It's a bit like Star Trek in that regard. It rewards long-term fans with references and follow-ups, but you don't need them to understand what's going on.

It has always been largely self-contained stories. And it has always presented jumping-on points for new audiences. After all, it's a family entertainment show and it gets a new batch of eight year olds who get captured by it every year. They don't go back to watch William Hartnell. They just have "their Doctor".

Rebooting it would starve it of its rich history, if you ask me. Which writers are free to use or to ignore.

going back to the genesis of the doctor and first encounters with the daleks, cybermen, etc.

Oh, it does this anyway. It takes advantage of its time travel aspect to do precisely that kind of thing. We've had a whole few seasons delving into the origins of The Doctor (with all that rubbish "Timeless Child" stuff the last show-runner imposed on us).

And, for example, one of the best serials is Genesis of the Daleks which sees Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor go back to the origins of his deadliest pepper-pot foe to stop them from existing in the first place -- and which fills the audience in on the entire backstory of the Daleks many years after they were first introduced to the show.

No to a 'proper' reboot. But it is the mini reboots -- the way it changes and evolves -- that keeps the show going.


Yeah this

This is always a problem with long running shows. Doctor who now has 60 years of history so it's going to be hard to get new fans in.

Like a few I wasn't sure about renaming it season 1 as I thought it may add to the confusion. For those who don't know classic who used seasons although I don't think it was really promoted like that. They didn't really do season arcs. Then you have new who with series and then back to seasons with what I can only call new new who

I think however the rebrand is the best way to let new people in, kind of like series 1 of new who in some ways, without having to do a full reboot and ignore the shows history.

Also one good thing with the show is that with new companions coming as well as doctors, the doctor has to explain to the companion things e.g. that's a dalek, which can help new audiences.

I would prefer this site to move the two doctor who areas together though for easiness


This is always a problem with long running shows. Doctor who now has 60 years of history so it's going to be hard to get new fans in.

Yes. Especially when those new fans you're trying to reach are global ones.

At least here in the UK, new fans -- very short ones -- are being introduced to the show by their parents fairly frequently. But it's not a prime time staple of pop culture outside the UK. It's a cult show. A fairly big cult show these days, but a cult show nevertheless. So, yeah, different dynamic -- and people are daunted by the sixty years of history... so it's probably sensible to make it crystal clear to those people that YOU CAN START HERE. I suppose that's what the renumbering is ultimately about: it's for new viewers on Disney+ who might otherwise feel they're too late to the party.

But it really is (for the most part) a show where you can start just about anywhere.


To me it just feels like another gimmick to lure back lost viewers. A desperate attempt to save a dead franchise killed by the wokesters.


It still remains one of BBCs most notable and watched franchises. It is going nowhere anytime soon.


There's no accounting for taste i guess. But at this point IMO the show isn't being carried by quality it's being carried by the weight it's cult franchise title.
