MovieChat Forums > Artemis Fowl (2020) Discussion > Why was this even made?

Why was this even made?

I saw this film over the weekend and it was really bad, I've never been a fan of the "Artemis Fowl" books, but even I was disappointed with this film. Why did they wait until now to release this film? It feels like something that should have been released 15 years ago to cash in on the Harry Potter craze, but instead was just released now in a real mess of a state. I understand that there have been a lot of reshoots and last minute changes to the film, but that just begs the question of why even release it at all if it's going to be bad and make no money instead of finishing it properly?


Somebody in the producer's office thought it would be a moneymaker.


I don't see how anybody could have seen this movie and thought it would make money. Maybe they were just sick of keeping it in production and just booted it out the door before it could get its pants on hoping they would make some returns.


One word: "Money."


Fair enough, it just seems like a movie as bad as this shouldn't even be released in its condition. I would have thought it would be smarter to axe it early on or give it enough time/money to be made properly rather than pushing it into production and rushing to finish it and hope it makes some money back, but then again I'm not exactly in the Hollywood industry so I'm not exactly qualified to say


It's the same old scheme these money-greedy idiots in Hollywood have been doing for over half a decade now: use a franchise that is well-known, make a crappy movie/tv series about it, unleash it onto the masses without letting them know ahead of time how bad it is, and cash in on the people who were tricked into flocking to it during the first few days/weeks before the excitement dies off and the hate begins.

It's not a very good investment strategy if you ask me.


You said it.


Because netflix is buying all kinds of crap now, given the lack of films being currently produced.


This was a Disney+ movie.


Ah - my mistake. Well - disney - lol - it has ruined enough franchises on its own as of late, so i'm not surprised that it's buying crap, too.


another SciFi trope about children saving the world?

I never heard of or read the books, but is this like Harry Potter meets Spy Babies?


The first book was more humourous and didn’t take itself very seriously. It was more like a hilarious, high octane action thriller in the vein of Die Hard crossed with James Bond, but with fairies.
