MovieChat Forums > Ellen Page (2013) Discussion > Has been replaced by...

Has been replaced by...

Okay everyone ever since I stumbled onto this page and posted that she was back, there has been a lot of posting going on here. Well, I think that I have come to a conclusion as to why there are two pages for this lovely lady. The Ellen page that we all knew and loved is not the same person as Elliot Page. I believe that this Elliot chap is actually someone else that is posing as being a trans version of Ellen Page. That conclusion leads me to believe that somewhere out there Ellen Page is still alive, and being held against her will (I'm thinking along the lines of something akin to "Silence of the lambs" type holding). Now, this could be the work of the Illuminati, or it could simply be the work of a deranged fan. I mean, this Elliot chap certainly looks like he could be a trans version of Ellen. However, with all of the outlandish occurrences that have happened in the last few years I am leaning towards the later rather than the former. What this means is that somewhere Ellen is possibly still alive, and she is waiting to be rescued. I think it is imperative that someone notify the proper authorities as soon as possible so that a land, sea and air manhunt commences ASAP. Hollywood has a long storied history of replacing people with doppelgangers, clones, and lookalikes. I mean, I'm sure that you are all familiar with the story of Paul and Faul McCartney right? No one will ever convince me that the guy who wrote "Eleanor Rigby" is the same guy who wrote "Silly Love Songs"! Also, lets talk about Robert De Nero- he's another one who died- RIP- back in 1999, but he was unceremoniously replaced with his no talent hack of a brother Richard. I mean seriously, he went from "Taxi Driver" to "The Godfather Part II" to "Scarface" to "Casino" to not one, not two, but THREE "Meet the Fockers" movies! Are you kidding me?! If there was anymore proof that Robert died in 1999, I don't know what it is?! But I digress, this is not about Richard De Niro, nor is it about Faul Mccartney, nor is it about Steve Guttenberg (don't get me started on that Illuminati clone of a thing) or a malfunctioning cybernetic robot in Will Smith. This is about the safety, and rescue of one Ellen Page. I implore anyone out there with CIA, and/or FBI ties to take this to the highest levels possible. This is so important that it may have to reach the presidents desk! I mean, surely the great one Joe Biden can help Miss page right?




Some people are too stupid to recognize a title page!


Great post. There could be something to it.

Is Joe Biden really Joe Biden? They look nothing alike.


Holy shit this is terrifying


Not only is it terrifying, but it is also true!


Hahahahahaha. Amazing !


You are dedicated to your trolling craft. Well done !


Dear Sir, please do not try to diminish my efforts to save the poor lost soul that is Ellen Page by blaspheming my good name. I have it on good authority from secret intel that the Powers that be might be considering using poor Ellen as a sacrifice to the demonic god Astaroth. The only thing that has saved her hence forth is the fact that she is no longer a virgin. Her captors are currently praying to the unholy god Baal for instructions of how they may proceed.

It's only a matter of time before Elliot takes the place of Ellen for the rest of "insert pronoun here" life!


You’ve got a point. My sincerest apologies !


The OP should weigh in more on this. We can only hope there is some truth to it or the reality of the left is more pathetic than we can possibly imagine.

Today they tell us WW3 is good. Nuclear war is good. Men can have babies. It’ll take an imagination the likes of Stephen King to accurately predict where the lefts mental illness will take them.


I have spoken to my anonymous whistleblowing sources, and they have assured me that all of what I have posted above is true. Unfortunately, the illuminati have poor Ellen trapped in some kind of underground bunker. There are underground bunkers all over this world. They have been built by the Illuminati and are more akin to underground cities. I do believe that you have probably seen them. If you have seen the movie "They Live". They were allowed to use them to film that movie. It's a part of the agreement. The Illuminati must reveal everything that they are doing. Sadly, most people are too blind to see it, or the masses just call it a right-wing conspiracy.

As for Joe Biden... Well, unfortunately he is the real Joe Biden, but he's a complete and total construct at this point. He does have dementia and the only way that he gets through his interviews is because his handlers coke him up prior so that he will be able to act alert. That still doesn't help him when it comes to answering questions. It's why he gets so angry, shakes his fist all of the time, and whispers creepily.

Steven King is a big problem too. I think that he was replaced by a clone sometime in the late 1990s. Clones are a real problem because the process isn't perfected yet. They quickly malfunction and as a result they need to be destroyed every few years and a new one is released upon the world. I think poor Stephen is on his 5th clone. Amazingly people like Eminem, Britney Spears and Al Roker are each on clone number 7 or 8 by now.

As for Ellen, well who is going to save her? The FBI, CIA and DOJ have all been compromised by evil globalists that want to destroy all rational people in this world, and either replace them with obedient clones or simply eradicate any and all dissenters. We truly are living in troubling times. We can only hope and pray that either the Greys will come searching for their missing Roswell friends and intervein on sanity's behalf or that an intelligent AI will be able infiltrate the government computers of the world and crown itself God Emperor of the known Universe. Another thing, believe me you, that the universe is A LOT bigger than the illuminati wants us to know.


Oh my god. I love you.


Everything that I have said to you is true. And there is a lot more to it than what I have let out. Godspeed my friend.


So you figured out how to use paragraphs. Good stuff.


You don't care about poor Ellen. You don't care that she is locked in a dungeon somewhere. You don't care that she is now the property of the Illuminati. You don't care if she lives or dies. All you care about is being a grammar nazi! The Third Reich would love you. You are probably the one who convinced poor Elliot to go under the knife. You may as well have done the cutting yourself! Back to hell demon! Back to hell!


if timed correctly, the image in Trending currently looks like she's having a convo with that Boebert broad in a blue room


Boebert is really lacey Chabert's alter ego.

have a look

Don't even try to tell me that that isn't Boebert!
