MovieChat Forums > Lucy (2014) Discussion > LAME STUPID LIMITLESS RIPOFF


Limitless was more believable, inspiring, intelligent, better directed, and had a far more charismatic & talented star (Johansson has the acting ability of a bag of oranges).



Why write this in a forum if no discussion? Stupid!


Dah! So people can agree!


why write this in a forum? lame, I await your response...


You may be waiting some time as " gasivodo " is not a member of this forum.

You will have to rely on your own reasoning, comprehension and joining-up-the-dots skills.

Looks fairly clear to me.


i know, it was a joke, sarcasm doesnt translate well on the internet. :)


I love how people call it 'rip offs' when they don't even have the same plot lines.
Limitless is about using a man who uses a neuro enhancer whereas Lucy is about a woman who is a drug mule and has a birth compound 'CPH4' that leaks out of the packets in her body and increases the potential of her cerebral capacity, the '20%' and so on is just a metaphor for how much she can use what she already has, her brain wasn't growing bigger or something like that, she was just learning how to do everything she did but heightened dramatically. There's also lots of Eosteric and Buddhist-mysticism imagery and symbolism in the movie, it was completely different idea.


I love how people call it 'rip offs' when they don't even have the same plot lines.
Limitless is about a man who uses a neuro enhancer whereas Lucy is about a woman who is a drug mule and has a birth compound 'CPH4' that leaks out of the packets in her body and increases the potential of her cerebral capacity, the '20%' and so on is just a metaphor for how much she can use what she already has, her brain wasn't growing bigger or something like that, she was just learning how to do everything she did but at a heightened scale. There's also lots of Esoteric and Buddhist-mysticism imagery and symbolism in the movie, it was a completely different idea.


It's much more of a 2001 rip off.


I fail to see how this is a 2001 rip off. It doesn't even have a similar plot at all. Yeah. the guy in 2001 gets his mind expanded at the end but the majority of the movie does not revolve around that at all. That's like saying X-Men Days of Future Past is a rip off of 12 Monkeys just because they both use time Travel in the plot.


Lucy is miles better than Limitless.


Ugh, that doesn't bode well for Limitless then.

I abhorred Lucy for a number of reasons, chief being Scarlett Johansson's lack of acting ability. If Limitless suffers from the same problem I may continue to skip it as I've done all these years.


They are really different genres. Lucy is an Action movie. Limitless is a drama. Two different objectives there.

I like Scarlett. I have since The Horse Whisperer. I dig her films.

You may love Limitless, I'm not saying it's completely without merit.
I'm frequently wrong. Ya know, potatoes, pototoes.


Ah okay.

You're the second person to mention Johansson's performance in The Horse Whisperer being noteworthy...

Oh wait! That's the movie with Robert Redford?

Anyway, I may check out Limitless at some point. I just never found Bradley Cooper interesting enough to warrant watching it.
