This Movie RULES

What more needs to be said?? Lou was a cold blooded individual who wouldn't stop til he made it to the Top, even if it meant throwing his partner under a bus while setting him up to walk over to the vehicle and get shot multiple times, THEN film him dying.. His partner dies, then Lou simply turns off the light to his partners camera and walks away like it's no big deal.. I thought for sure we would've seen Rene Russo in the nude, but we didn't


jake is a strong actor and hes one of the reasons far from home is so good


Even if Anne Hathaway's naked body is all that made Love&Other Drugs bearable


BUMP.. If you've never seen this movie, please watch it


Isn't this just an R-rated version of Max Headroom?


BUMP.. This movie never grows old.. Question is, was Lou Bloom a sociopath or a psychopath??


Yeah it was one of the last new movies that was original and well made


And not afraid of offending someone.


Yeah man I gave up on modern films and have been spending all my free time watching stuff made before I was born


Easily one of the greatest movies of the new century. Way more gutsy that almost anything else in these past two decades.
