The more you complain

the more the jackoffs in Hollywood are going to do shit like this. If you don't notice, don't comment, and most importantly, don't watch this shit, they will get the message and do better.


Good points, but won't work. There will still be a lot of woke retards, who will flock into these woke abominations and this will be enough for Hollyweird to keep making these blasphemies.


How many of them are just following orders?


Nah, you gotta call out the Netflix and Anheuser-Buschs of this world, otherwise their behaviour will just continue.

What you can do is moan and direct people to better alternatives.

Here's one for Cleopatra:

And here's an alternative to Bud Light:


Better then calling them out, cancel their service, don't buy their products, let them fall into oblivion.


Both? Both are good!


There is an alternative. Don’t drink Bud Light because it’s godawful beer. There. Problem solved. Why care about the ads. Care about the product.



Except the reason we have this in the first place is because people complained, loudly, about the supposed lack of representation, and Hollywood listened to them. It only makes sense for everyone else to complain about how idiotic this "woke" trend is in the hopes that Hollywood might eventually listen to their customers instead of the activists, and that things will go back to how they were prior to 2010.

With that said, if normal people don't watch stuff like this, including hate-watching it, and if they vote with their wallets, that will be more effective than just complaining. They'll run out of money eventually, all the normal people have to do is starve them out.



I’m a little confused—and I just found out about the outrage here, admittedly rather late—people are upset that Cleopatra is played by a black woman, yes? But aren’t these the same people freaking out that some people are saying that white people shouldn’t play black people anymore? Isn’t that a bit hypocritical? Pick a lane, right?



No, they are not the same people. I don't even know what you're refering to when you say there are people who say white people should play black people?

I'm sure you meant to say that the same people who portray Cleopatra as black are the same ones who complain about black people being played by white people, right? Now that's real hypocrisy.
