Tuskegee Airmen

This unit of the Army Air Force deserves its own series. A squadron of fighter planes with black pilots was used to escort bombers during their missions over Occupied Europe during WW2. How many people are aware of this? Not only fighting Nazi Germany, but also the racism within the American armed forces. A film was made about them called Red Tails, but it wasn't very good. The Tuskegee Airmen should get the big budget mini series treatment. I'm surprised that it has not been done. Maybe people like Spike Lee, Tyler Perry and Denzel Washington can get behind it.


This film is from 1995 but way better than Red Tails which looked like a computer game to me.


Thanks for this, Friend. I had forgotten about this film. Saw it many years ago on TV.


No worries just found it for free too https://vimeo.com/459668694


Laurence Fishburne is the lead?

Where can I see this?


no they are not.

just because they are black dosent give them special treatment


Making a film or drama series about a real military unit is not 'special treatment'. It would be shining a light on an area that is unknown or possibly overlooked. The film Windtalkers focused on the use of Navajo soldiers who served in the Pacific War. Was that special treatment? Are you objecting just because the focus would be on black men? Just asking.


stfu you progressive idiot. i dont want to watch this garbage. nor anyone else


As sure as night follows day,
the bigots come out to play today,
the bigots come out to play.


UMAD is a poor unfortunate soul.


We can only pray for him(?) and wish him all the best.
