1.07 Not All Men ....!

OK so this is what I learned from the last episode:

1) straight men = pure evil / psychopaths
2) women = awesome
3) gay men = aiight EXCEPT if you're a black gay man.. then you're evil / psychopath

congrats Mr. Peele, I will not watch any more episodes :(


I thought in some way it could've been an awesome story paying homage to "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"

but nope.


Stopped watching after ep 4 but it doesn't surprise me. The show seems more interested in PC agendas then telling odd and compelling stories. Typical of today's entertainment industry.


I kind of hoped maybe the episodes will get better .. was sadly mistaken.


I'm a woman and think this was especially ham fisted and sexist. It essentially says that all men are predators and all equally deserving of a metoo smackdown....with the exception of a gay teen.
Most of the other few episodes I saw were equally as extreme and tended to equate whiteness with shallow or racist.
Aren't extreme narrow points of view what allowed racism and sexism in the first place?
The original show approached topics that were timely for that time. That time is not this time.
No one yet has been brave enough to really consider the real problems of today because one of the biggest problems is polarizing everyone.


I'm not clear on what happened at the end of this episode. Annie mentions something about a placebo effect. So the men were just acting fools for no reason? I didn't get it.

The show has gotten away from the sci-fi/horror aspect. I've like some of the episodes, but the PC shit needs to disappear.


best I can explain is this: no one was reaLLy infected by the meteor stones.. but as soon as that loser in the bar started a ruckus apparently the testosterone-filled-men-monsters activated and thus the placebo effect.

anyway the thing that killed me was AFTER Annie reaches the conclusion the three of them get their ID's checked (on their way out of the tent ..!) by some army dude who wasn't even part of the meteor fiasco but immediately says something asshole-ly to her.. I eyerolled so hard my eyes almost fell outta my head


/anyway the thing that killed me was AFTER Annie reaches the conclusion the three of them get their ID's checked (on their way out of the tent ..!) by some army dude who wasn't even part of the meteor fiasco but immediately says something asshole-ly to her.. I eyerolled so hard my eyes almost fell outta my head/

that was indeed ridiculous and way too forced.


I agree. Very odd scene. This episode gets a thumbs down.


The lead actress looked abit like a young jennifer love hewitt
