does every character in sw that falls into a hole or down a shaft survive ?

darth maul, palpatine, boba fett possibly inmandalorian, luke ..


That would explain why the franchise keeps going no matter how far it falls...


like the mighty phoenix


Phoenix comes back full-strength. Star Wars ended a brilliant trilogy on a high note, then came back as the prequels. If that were a phoenix, it would be one with half the feathers missing and instead of a wicked flame aura, it would just fart and burp melting plastic. Then it reincarnated again as a weird ersatz version of the first incarnation, but something's always "off", like it's just spinning around in circles, running into walls, and it just holds up a card that says "flame" on it. And every time it leaves the room and comes back in it pretends to be a completely new bird, even though it hasn't regenerated.


you're right. i should have just went with: nice analogy.


No problem; I kinda had fun writing about wonky phoenixes.


Maybe Palatine was a Sith Phoenix?


On fire or not. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


I don't see why the Prequels are such a thorny issue with people in how they "ruined the OT". They didn't, they come BEFORE the OT in story order and are just that, an OPTIONAL backstory.

It's the Sequel Trilogy which is the egregious mess here, it was important that that be done well, and. it. was. NOT.


The prequels didn't ruin the originals any more than the sequels did. Not for me, anyway. I have the original films and I can watch them any time I want and enjoy them thoroughly. They're as optional a subsequent story as the prequels are an optional backstory.

The prequels would only ruin my movie watching time if I watched the prequels. They're filled with such poor writing (story, characters, dialogue, the execution of the politics...uh...everything...) that I can't enjoy them. Thus, they got to be described as a melted plastic burping phoenix.


Anakin, Yoda, and Obi-Wan all had pretty big falls in their battles and always landed on a platform or something to avoid getting killed.

Oh, and I guess Palpatine survived.


i accept it as palpatine survived in sequel fan fiction.






I don't remember too many of them exploding into oblivion though....


Yeah, the Palpatine one was a little harder to explain. They've gone back and said it was just a clone, I guess.


"oblivion oshmivilion" disney


The Emperor "died" though. And so did Mace Windu.


oh yah, good ol mace. at least he has class to stay dead.


