MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Question: Who prefers a cast of unknowns...

Question: Who prefers a cast of unknowns to Hollywood star power?

In its beginnings (chronological releases, not episodes), Star Wars entered our hearts (well, mine anyway) by a cast of mostly unknown actors, save the supporting roles of Kenobi and Tarkin. I honestly feel the films - in the original trilogy - stood firmer without the use of a large cast of big name stars.

Fast forward to 1999 with the Anakin trilogy where almost all lead roles were cast to some of films biggest faces and names. It all seemed a bit distracting to me. Though I am not a fan of the Anakin films anyway, and don't know that they would have been better otherwise. But what if it had? If you make a good movie, it will stand on its own. Perhaps Lucas knew he needed the well known cast to hopefully keep his movies out of the crap bin. Who knows?

With the beginning of the new trilogy, its first offering, The Force Awakens felt like old Star Wars. The feeling I knew and loved and grew up with. One screen legend, in a three minute role kicked off an awesome film filled with old friends and new faces we never knew, but grew to love.

Now here we are at The Last Jedi and there is Hollywood everywhere you look. It almost feels like the Anakin Trilogy all over again. Big stars, big cities, WAY too much CG, and don't get me started on "space Vegas." I hated the Anakin Trilogy, and this one is starting to become just like it.

All I am saying is I would rather watch and know the CHARACTERS. I don't want to see Samuel L. Jackson, acting like Samuel L. Jackson, but that's what we got. I don't want to see Benicio Del Toro, ACTING like Benicio Del Toro. They had characters to play, but they didn't pull it off. They distracted us by playing themselves.

Thoughts anyone?


I agree, too many known faces showed up in the prequels. Liam Nieson is another. The one that really got to me though was Jimmy Smitts. When he showed up I was like 'Hey, it's Jimmy Smitts! '

He wasn't horrible or worse than Anakin or anything like that, it's just that suspension of disbelief went right out the window for me when he appeared.


I liked Liam Neeson in that role very much. Sam Jackson, OTOH, I thought was a misstep.


yes Star Wars works better with unknown actors, but don't mind more well known actors in smaller roles, preferably character actors and not someone like Samuel L Jackson


Enough is ENOUGH! I have had it with these motherfuckin' Siths on our motherfuckin' turf!


Apart from the fact that TFA is a deeply awful movie I totally agree. It's a story set 'a long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away' it needs to have mainly unknowns (with maybe a few more famous famous scattered around).

That said I liked Liam Neeson but whenever is he not great?


Star Wars should always be cast with unknowns. The star of Star Wars is STAR WARS. Even all these years later I still think "I can't believe they got Renton playing Obi-Wan." lol It takes you out of the fantasy.

Despite hating TFA, I actually had a pretty good experience cause I had never heard of any of those actors before, despite their coming from popular shows and stuff. Wasn't stuff I watched.


Thoughts anyone?

You oddly contradict yourself. Star Wars has a tradition of casting the leads with relatively fresh faces, while supporting roles often go to veterans. That happened in the OT, the PT and now in the ST.


I'm only saying I have more appreciation for a movie that can sell itself without the need for the blockbuster names. A great film doesn't need them. A weak film does.

Alec Guiness
Peter Cushing
Billy Dee Williams

Liam Neeson
Ewan McGregor
Samuel L. Jackson
Jimmy Smits
Terence Stamp
Dominic West
Kiera Knightly
Richard Armitage (bigger in UK but still)
Jack Thompson (bigger in AU but still)
Christopher Lee
Rose Byrne

Max Von Sydow
Simon Pegg
Greg Grunberg
Laura Dern
Benicio Del Toro
Justin Theroux


Honestly wouldn't call any of those Big names besides SLJ and Portman and SLJ personally called and asked Lucas if he could be in just because he loved Star Wars so much even said he would be a stormtrooper if he wanted but Lucas decided that would be a waste of good talent. I seriously doubt more than 2/10 random people know who Laura Dern or Max Von Sydow or any of the other actors are. Even Liam Neeson and Ewan weren't recognizable to most people back in 2000. Portman Ewan and Liam all grew in star power since Star Wars.

Now had Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Chris Hemsworth, Jenifer Aniston or the Rock showed up in Star Wars that would be different.

You also have to remember that originally Star Wars was a "Low Budget" space fantasy when it was in production and Lucas wasn't an established filmmaker. So most well-known A-listers would not have been interested at the time.


You also have to remember that originally Star Wars was a "Low Budget" space fantasy when it was in production and Lucas wasn't an established filmmaker. So most well-known A-listers would not have been interested at the time.

Also, the main reason to go with unknown or little known actors which ties into your above statement. Overall cost of the actors themselves. A list actors cost a lot and can eat up a huge chunk of budget.


True. I absolutely agree. There are many hungry talented actors out there that would work for next to nothing just to be on a project this big. However, I seriously doubt any of the actors working in the new movies are commanding big salaries. Most are working under the marvel gird of starting at 200,000 and then larger increments as their contract progresses. I believe Oscar Issacs was the only new actor brought on that was paid over a million per project. 200 grand isn't a whole lot for 6 months of work on a blockbuster project.

My points about it starting out as a low budget fantasy was that Lucas probably wanted higher level actors for parts but couldn't afford it. I remember an interview where he stated Alec Genesis was the only true actor he could pay for. That's why he had higher level stars in the PT.


Dominic West was in the prequels???


He was the all important Palace Guard.


Yeah I had to look it up. Who knew? Well Artguylarry and you, apparently!


Well if you are going to include actors that were barely seen or physically unrecognizable then you have to at least add to OT the most recognizable actor of them all, James Earl Jones. His voice is so distinctive and he was and is so well known he should be included.

As for the PT, only SLJ and Liam Neeson were truly bigger stars. Ewan was a young up and coming actor with only the ensemble film Trainspotting being a major hit. Natalie Portman was probably best known for being the child actor from Leon, most of both their success came after TPM. After that you have Christopher Lee who had the longest career of all, but by late 90s was not an A list star, in fact he would have been more recognizable by general audience when the OT came out rather than in the late 90s. The rest are not A list or major stars at all or at least at the time. Kiera Knightly in 1999? really?

Some on your list makes me think you saw the PT years after it was released.


LOL, a most impressive cause-and-effect fallacy. Most of the prequel cast you refer to were no-names back then and played cameos or one liner roles or just started their career. Others such as Neeson were character actors but not blockbuster stars yet, at least not on the fame level as A Guiness or P Cushing in ANH.

If you want it to play that way, Harrison Ford starred already in a big hits before ANH (American Graffiti), Hamill stared in TV shows and Carry Fisher was Hollywood royalty and a child star (Shampoo etc).

Thus, Star Wars was always seemingly reliant on blockbuster names, and therefore a weak film and franchise I guess? That's BS of course. SW is one of the few blockbuster IPs that never had to rely on blockbuster names.
