MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > There was an outline for the entire sequ...

There was an outline for the entire sequel trilogy!!! OR...

What the fuck is going on over at lucasfilm?

Could not decide which title was more apt...


Yeah, I agree with you. I'll go see the ninth one, because I'm endlessly gullible, but I've lost hope in this 'trilogy'. Maybe the next one will have a more coherent story.


I will finish out the saga with episode 9 but I am finished after that. If Solo is decent (won’t get my hopes up), I might give future SW Stories a shot. I have no interest in Rian Johnson’s trilogies or a trilogy from the GoT guys.


If you keep going to see these movies don't be surprised when they keep making them.


They can keep making them. I won’t see them.


Yes you will.


Nope. When I’m finished, I’m finished.


You will. You need to, or you can’t moan about it with all the other losers that can’t handle that Star Wars didn’t go the way they thought it would. A girl Jedi? Whore with small tits. Luke is a grumpy old man? Booo, no Luke is hero! It’s too much like the old ones, it’s not enough like the old ones, there too much cgi, there’s not enough cgi, etc etc etc blah blah blah.

It truly shocks me how so many people can miss the theme of the last Jedi considering the reaction to empire all those moons ago. You would think people would have looked a little deeper. But no, just Endless crap about women in prominent roles, Chinese stunt casting and Luke skywalker dying. People need to moan, and they need to moan about anything. They look for it, they need it. Look at any forum, social media etc etc and it’s nothing but moaning about everything. And every single one of those people that swore off star wars after the prequels still watched. Everyone of those people after tfas came back because they need to moan, and you my dear sir, will do the very same. But best of luck giving it up.


Yes, if people don't like the same silly spaceship movie you like, that means they are all evil, scary women-haters. That's a very rational and adult way of thinking.


Never said that, but you get a pat on the back for have no reason answer.


That's a lot of moaning for someone who hates moaners. And it's 'Vietnamese' stunt casting you massive racist.


yeah you’re right it is racism, just not on my part since I was speak of all you moaners. It can’t have that the girl was right for the part, no. It must be some vast conspiracy to attract the chinese market.

Take a walk around the forum hun, you’ll see the dog shit I’m taking about.

As for me moaning, well you got me there. I guess one post is the same as all the silly fan boys throwing their toys out the pram for the past few years. Clearly, I’m the worse of the two offended, take me away and lock me up!


Are you late for your klan meeting, racist?


awww look at you hating women just because your too ugly to get one to touch you.




No, no, don’t make fun of my typos! It’s too much! Too much I tell you!


*you're* welcome!


so you know how to avoid typos, but you don’t know how to use “you’re welcome!” properly? Oh dear, if only you had an argument to make you could have done that instead of being a tired grammar nazi.


Yes, maybe locking racists like yourself up is a good idea.


Another woman hating uggo. Needing to lie because you have no argument. Pathetic little men.


If Adolph Hitler and Donald Trump had a baby, it still wouldn't be as racist as you.


you think two men can make a baby? You really are dumb.


Are you assuming gender? You're transphobic as well.


😂 Oops I triggered a snowflake.


Oh, Suzie Q
Oh, Suzie Q
Oh, Suzie Q
Baby, I love you, Suzie QI like the way you walk
I like the way you talk
I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk, Suzie QWell, say that you'll be true
Well, say that you'll be true
Well, say that you'll be true
And never leave me blue, Suzie Q


Did you just threaten me?


That wasn't me, that was John Fogerty.


I’m reporting you for threatening me.


Make sure to report John Fogerty too.


Reported again for harassment!


Who me or John Fogerty?


I'm reporting you to the loony bin.


Ah another bully, yay!


I'm not the one calling Rey and I quote a 'whore with small tits', and I don't identify as a man either.

I've reported your posts for racism, misogyny and transmisogyny.

Bye bye bigot.


So I talk about all the hatred on here by people like you and you call me the bigot? Wow. Just wow. Either you can’t read, or just mind numbingly stupid.

And reporting me because you have no argument? Are you really that pathetic you have to go running to mommy to hold your hand?

It’s bad enough that you’ve attributed words of others that I was “moaning” about to be my views, but now you going running to “tell on me”? Damn triggered snowflakes are everywhere.


Stop harassing me.


If you feel harassed that’s what the ignore button is for. Of course you could just ignore me without the button, but you won’t because I think we know who is harassing who with false statements.


It's a real dilemma for me...never missed an opening...but this shit must stop!


I chose at the very beginning to only watch the main sequel trilogy and none of the side films like Rogue One or Solo. I can only handle so much Star Wars. I don’t need to see it beaten to death.


well that let Rian do what he wanted, leaving a mess for the next guy


See!! See! JJ atleast had some idea's where the story would go. People keep going on that JJ just sets things up that are unexplainable... maybe people less talented than him take over and can't build on his foundation.


Well it certainly makes sense for the person writing the first movie for there to be an outline for a trilogy. Its not like TFA was a one and done...they knew going in they were making a in one respect this make JJ and co seem less stupid initially but then they allowed Rian to crap all over Star Wars anyways. SO Johnson gave both JJ and the original director of EP 9 the finger on his way to making his skid mark on the Star Wars universe.


Basically yes!
