Why are men in the Star Wars movies?

Why do we have any men in the Star Wars movies? Especially why are the villians men?

My shwartz is bigger than your schwartz!!!!


The villains in Star Wars were always men starting with Vader and Tarkin in the original.


Even more reasons to have a woman villain too! Why? Can't a woman be feared too?


Oops! We both forgot about Phasma, a female villain. But, she is easily forgettable considering how poorly written she was.

I just remembered a few more, but mainly in the EU. In Lucas' Star Wars, there were two female villains, Asajj Ventress and that assassin in Attack of the Clones. I think Mara Jade started off as a villain. And this little girl is very dark. First 10 minutes:
That video is 10x better than the movies.

Disney and Kennedy are introducing strong heroic females to increase female viewers. Maybe down the line, if they don't completely wreck Star Wars.


Are you saying that they haven't already done that?



They've only partially wrecked Star Wars. If Solo and Episode 9 stink, then it will be complete annihilation.


Interesting because heroic females have always existed in film, women just never liked them or supported the movies.


Many old films starred women, but there was a change in the 50s or 60s. At some point, women came to almost exclusively play the girlfriend or wife of the male hero in films.

Some films with heroic females were made for men which is why you won't find women watching them like Lara Croft. She's not relatable.


Because fanatics like Gloria Steinem, that charlatan, and many others came into feminism and destroyed it and they decreed that great women actresses and their characters, like Joan Crawford and Elizabeth Taylor, where somehow sexist and made by men when nothing could be further from the truth, so the female characters were completely eliminated and film became 100% male centered. But female audiences didn't complain, so.


I read a few years ago that the change happened when films became big business. Not only actresses, but women producers and studio owners were squeezed out as were minorities. "Race films" had been popular, too.

Notice how there aren't too many women or minorities who are being hired as directors, writers, and producers today. Kennedy has yet to hire a writer or director who isn't a white male for Star Wars.

Steinem didn't start the Women's Movement. It was started by a best-selling book, "The Feminine Mystique" written by Betty Friedan who was unhappy as a housewife, the only acceptable career for women.
Women wanted more options than being a housewife. How happy would you be if the only acceptable goal in life for you was to wash dishes and mop floors everyday for the next 40 years?


movies before the blockbuster era did big business too. I didn't say Gloria Steinem started it, I said she started the fanaticism that exists today.


I meant very early films made during the 1920s and earlier. They were shorts done by small companies. Most screenwriters were women and it was even considered women's work. Same with film editors.

The studio system took over which made longer films and spent more money.

Wanting equal rights is fanaticism?


you are confused about film history.


"In the 1920's and early 1930's, women dominated the screenwriting profession in Hollywood — and they were the highest paid, too. Here are a few of the most famous lady scribes..."

"In 1926, the Los Angeles Times informed readers that “one of the most important positions in the motion-picture industry is held almost entirely by women” whose job it was to assemble “thousands of feet of film so that it tells an interesting story in the most straightforward manner...”"

Different subject: I bet you didn't know that the first computer programmers were women and considered women's work.


yes I do and I know the editors were women too, you are just a wokie, citing ridiculous buzzfeed articles, you literally know nothing. The topic was heroic women IN FILMS, not working in the studios, you can't even keep up with a conversation because of your rabid feminist 2018 fanaticism, go join a church and stop contaminating feminism.


Women with decision-making roles in studios have everything to do with what type of roles women get in films. There is a direct connection between Kathleen Kennedy being the President of Lucasfilm and the fact that half of the new employees at the studio are women as well as the increase in stronger women in the Star Wars films.

BTW, I said MOST editors were women which I doubt that you knew.

You're the first one to bring up feminism and history. I could've linked to books, but you obviously don't read them. The Buzzfeed page had plenty of photos with easy words for someone like you.


I'm sure I've read more books than you ever have, and it's not about hiring women but people with talent, they have clearly failed at that.


It's about not discriminating against people with talent who happen to be women.


whatever wokie, you are all crazy and a lost cause.


Typical! Whenever someone loses an argument they resort to insults.


you don't even know what the argument is.


Why can't a woman be a villain - because Lucas decided against it even though he kind of set up the possibility.

We all know Marjorie Eaton played the emperor in the empire strikes back originally. Imagine the reveal in Return if instead of Ian McDiarmid as the emperor they had kept the emperor a woman in her 70's, who not only ruled the empire but kept Vader on a lease.

The prequels could have been more interesting too.
