MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Didn't even struggle to make $68m on sec...

Didn't even struggle to make $68m on second weekend, on track for $100+m long weekend

Hey Queenie, Justice Plauge dropped 75.5%!

SUNDAY AM UPDATE: With an estimated $68 million, Disney and Lucasfilm's Star Wars: The Last Jedi remained at #1 for the second weekend in a row, doubling its closest competitor. The film, however, did drop 68% from its opening weekend, but that's not as much as a surprise as it may outwardly seem, particularly due to the lack of business over the weekend, especially on Christmas Eve, for all titles. The film is expected to top $100 million by end of day tomorrow, which is expected to be huge for most all films in release.


Yeah it's a HUGE success...from a certain point of view...πŸ˜‰


I also think you transposed your made 68 million, the drop however was77%...the steepest plunge in proceeds in the Skywalker saga...


TFA made more in its 3rd weekend


TLJ 10 Day total: $365,088,356
TFA 10 Day total: $540,058,914

TLJ is down 68.9%, that's nearly DOUBLE the drop of TFA (which fell only 38.9%).

This is a Huge disparity & a STRONG message to Rian Johnson, Kathleen Kennedy, and Disney to not fuck with Star Wars lore.


Hey return...I'm getting a 77% drop Friday to Friday but I'm also seeing the number 68 being bandied about...full disclosure...too busy with the holiday prep to actually crunch numbers myself LOL...was the higher number a speculation or is the 68 maybe not Friday to Friday? As I commented with the higher number in mind...would like to be sure what I read was in fact correct and correct my mistake if not...thanks!


68.9% is the three-day weekend to weekend drop.

I didn't research but you're probably correct on the 77% Friday to Friday drop


πŸ‘ thanks!



The word "weekend" occurs 6 times in my post. You are dense.


Perhaps...but I'm not delusional...this is a turd and you're dressing it up like a snickers bar. I was courteous and intended on addressing my unintended slight as I mentioned in my post to whiskey...never thought the devil himself would be so thin skinned LOL!


Hey Queenie, Justice Plauge dropped 75.5%!


I approve this ABUSE of Queen....

Keep up the good work....


also worth Noting JL is now guaranteed to finish between

225 to 230 Million Domestically and Between 650 to 660 Million World Wide

This is note worthy because, Since opening Weekend, I've been Telling Queen, JL was going to make AT TOPS

240 M Domestically and 650 M World Wide

and Queen has relentlessly fought it, claiming JL would EASILY make over 650 M and That Word of Mouth for JL was Great and the film would have Great Holds

In the end, JL played out exactly as I said, It LIMPED to A 650 M dollar finished, which officially makes it the single biggest missed opportunity in Hollywood History, oh and of course it results in WB losing at least 50 Million, or as much as 100 M

The other Funny part to this story is, after awhile, JLs box office became so pathetic Queen even had a hard time defending it, So Queen decided to make a Ant-Marvel "Spite" thread about Thor 3's box office, to try and make her/his feel better

In the thread Queen tried to make fun of Thor 3 for having A 62% 3rd weekend drop, Queen then in an Epic failure went on to claim, that because Thor 3 had this huge drop, A final domestic gross of 300 Million was NOW DEAD for Thor 3, and then claimed there was no chance for Thor 3 to make 850 Million World Wide

fast forward to now, Thor 3 easily made 300 Million + Domestic, and is going to make 850 WW

and Thor 3 has also had incredible holds every single Week other than Its 3rd week(where JL opened, and played to the same audience)

but its gets better, JL on the other hand has had nothing but Above average to AWFUL drops every single weekend, Every single Weekend except 1, JL dropped over 55%

lol On Opening Weekend, from Early Friday to Late Friday, Queen Went from claiming JL was going to make 150+ M...To 133 M...To 115 M...and then finally when it became clear JL was going to make Less than 100 Million, Queen quickly made A thread claiming, JL would dominate "Thanksgiving weekend" due Great WOM, lol JL ended up having worse drops than Twlight.



Long weekend is $101m, domestic now $397m. International is over $800m, will hit a billion by year end.


Foreign as of 25th is $420, bringing international to $816m.

Last six days of year should bring $50m domestic, total $450m. Almost $950m international.
