TFA's Unforgivable Sin (Spoiler)

No Luke, Han and Leia reunion.

Of all the many things wrong with this film, this has to be the worst by far. What the hell were they thinking?


I am 100 percent with you. Such a waste


There was a lot wrong with this movie from the dull, lifeless acting, the lazy New Hope recycled plot, Rey being a Mary Sue, Maz Kanada being a dumb nit wit. I can't believe people are drinking the Kool Aid and actually think this is one of the best Star Wars movies ever. These are my rankings:

1) Empire Strikes Back (10/10)
2) A New Hope (9.8/10)
3) Revenge of the Sith (9.5/10)
4) Return of the Jedi (9/10)
5) Attack of the Clones (8/10)
6) The Phantom Menace (7.5/10)
7) The Holiday Special (2/10)
8) Rogue One (0.5/10)
9) The Force Awakens (0/10)


Lower than the Holiday Special. That's just brutal!

1) Empire Strikes Back (10/10)
2) A New Hope (9.5/10)
3) Return of the Jedi (9/10)
4) Rogue One (8/10)
5) Revenge of the Sith (7.5/10)
6) The Phantom Menace (7/10)
7) Attack of the Clones (4/10)
8) The Force Awakens (3/10)
9) The Holiday Special (.5/10)


I hate Force Awakens so much, yes it is worse than Phantom Menace, yes it is worse than the Holiday Special (which at least gave us a cool intro to Boba Fett). If the Last Jedi isn't something completely amazing then as far as I'm concerned the new franchise is beyond repair.




The Holiday Special is not a movie stupid. It was more a variety wasn't meant to be canonical.


I choose to include it, either way it's still better than the Disney films


The reunion might have been the best moment in Star Wars ever. But sadly it shall never be unless Han becomes a force ghost.


Since Padme was shown as a Force Ghost at the end of the revised ROTJ, and she'd never shown any sign of being even Force-sensitive, anything is possible!

Literally, anything is possible. Because the writers have no rules on Force Ghosting.


Padme was? Is that on the Blu Ray version? I guess I have never seen that version yet.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but when Lucas put out the modified originals around the time of the prequels, he changed the end scene where the Force Ghosts appear to Luke. Anakin had been middle-aged in the original but was replaced by Hayden Christiansen, and in one shot he was seen standing with Padme.

You had me wondering if i'd imagined it, but here's a screencap:


I’m pretty sure that was fan made. Easy to do with photoshop. Unfortunately, it seems that only Jedi can be force ghosts, so no Han for us. πŸ˜•


Be pretty cool if it was real.


You dummy. It still couldn't happen if Han became a force ghost. Has everyone forgot???? CARRIE FISHER DIED 11 MONTHS AGO.....Jesus Christ people...


The reunion in TFA you dummy.


"But sadly it shall never be unless Han becomes a force ghost"

Your words not mine dorkface...


Wasted opportunity by JJ, another one was Lucas not making a sequel trilogy at least a decade earlier, if it were made before the prequels he could of set up villains of the sequel trilogy that appear in the prequels too, the prequels would be appearing now instead of the cash grab trilogy we are getting now.
