Sex in S4

Geez, why do they have to make this crap so depressed and ugly. The women was all cast as sex maniacs with such hostility that if their roles were switched to men the would be a target of #MeToo sexism. Very racist while pretending to be "progressive".

I pity the men of that Alaskan town to have those the only women around.

This show overdoes the female energy, and has no real positive male energy, except the kid abused by his father, and wife.

And the Eskimo culture, if I am allowed to use that term, is pretty highly macho. And they are all portrayed as so unattractive, but I had an Eskimo girlfriend and she was the prettiest girl in the Wisconsin town I was working in while I was there on assignment.

In short as far as any realism, this Season seems like total BS to me.


They want to gender-swap the cop/detective trope. They want to lecture the world, "See, women can be every bit as sexually aggressive as those macho cops before them." And they are hammering it down. When they are not cruising for sex, they search through Tinder profiles on their phones. And I don't think Jodie Foster likes it, because you can see she doesn't quite align with the role she's playing.

There were great examples of women playing the traditionally male roles, and Jodie Foster's own Clarice Starling is case in point. But these were interesting movies because women lent their femininity and "woman touch" to otherwise tough and male-driven surroundings. They relied on their intelligence and subtlety, often upstaging their male counterparts. That was fun to watch.

But this show throws it out the window. They want to say, "Women can be masculine and even be desired for it." It's agenda.


I'd mostly agree with that. I enjoyed Homeland for the way they played that.

I am watching this and probably will finish it, but not sure why. I don't really find it interesting or enjoyable. The fake milieu of the women, and the first world native American people being so depressed.

There is nothing really being said here, there is, so far, no point, no moral to the story, just a bunch of total creepy misfit people ... for what reason are we looking at these people and this story?


Have you seen the other seasons in this show. This has nothing to do with just women. Every season in TD seems to have a major focus on broken cops. None of these people have been happy in any episode.


I was just referring to this season. The whole Alaskan "universe" they created is so dinghy and grotty. "Fortitude" was an example of a more realistic setting in my opinion.


This is definitely the most disturbing setting of the series. Total darkness for 6 months can't be good for one's health. I don't think I'd wanna deal with it, and it's issues.




Go watch porn.


