It's been three years...

Is anyone getting fonder of the "Hobbit" movies with time? Has anyone learned to forgive their faults and appreciate whatever good stuff there is?

I mean, it could happen, the Star Wars prequels have come up in fan estimation over the years, although of course they aren't as bad as PJ's Hobbit movies.


Just saw the new 4k blurays. I'm more fond of them than when they were in theaters but i still don't *love* them.


My fondness for these movies was we get to return to this world and see some of our old favorite characters. Also I really liked that we got to see more of Saruman as a "good guy" and Christopher Lee graced us with one last adventure before he passed on. Also it was great to see more of all the wizards in general : )

I have forgiven its faults but do not ignore them, but I do see the positives more as time has passed.


I always thought that the movies were not completely without merit, I love Christopher Lee as much as you do, and I thought that Lee Pace and Lee Evans were terrific.

So between the 3 of them they made maybe 45 minutes of the whole 20-hour mess worth watching, which isn't enough.


The thing that is most present in my mind on the rare occasion I think about these films any more is P.J. constantly making the "stretch it out more" hand gesture to every actor on camera during filming. And I'm a big fan of his.


No. Tried to re-watch just a couple of weeks ago.
A lot of good actors but the script is crap and there is far too much CGI.


And it just looks so gray and fake! That's the one thing I really don't understand, the LOTR movies were stunning because they let "New Zealand as Middle Earth" take a major role, and in the "Hobbit" movies New Zealand was told it was no longer wanted. So the characters are all moving through a weird gray cartoon landscape.

That may be the single most inexplicable thing about the whole mess.
