MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Discussion > MCU SHOULD HAVE Continued WITH SAM RAIMI...


This Ironman Spidy sucks.


Can't agree more. I'd still be ok with Tobey spm4. Andrew spm was just unwatchable. And this one is like spm is iron man jr ugh But Tom spm is better than Andrew spm, gotta give some credit where credit is due. But Andrew spm was so bad that is not saying much lol.....


Well, too bad for you all. This "junior Iron-Spidey" is on point and beyond cool. And as long as the MCU rightfully remains on top, he's here to stay and wreak havoc for y'all Tobey fans... and basically everyone else that dislikes his spot-on portrayal. :D


Spider-Man 4 would've done Star Wars-level box office. They made a huge mistake.


I wish they had followed that route. However, that would have meant that this deal between Sony and Marvel would have happened much earlier, before the Garfield disgrace. So I don't believe that Tobey in the MCU would have happened in any way, since the main reason for the Sony/Marvel deal was the failed reboot attempt, in the first place. If anything, it was more likely that we were going to have Andrew in the MCU rather than Tobey, had they decided they wouldn't recast.


You Raimi fans are so ridiculous. Did you really think he and Tobey Maguire were going to make Spider-Man movies forever? If you did you are deluded. Also there is not a good way of fitting the continuity of Raimi's films into the MCU. There is no way to explain where Spider-Man has been the entire history of the MCU. Marvel wanted their own version of Spider-Man that would fit into their Film Universe. Also I doubt Raimi would want to have to make mention of things from movies he had no part in making.


No you are wrong. Tobey Maguire fits perfectly in MCU. An adult Spiderman joining Avengers!


No. How are you going to explain where he's been all these years? There is no way to fit Raimi's films into continuity. Not to mention Tobey Maguire has retired from acting to take care of his family.


And he's way too old (42 now), and one great thing about this Tom Holland version is that he really looks like a high school kid. Holland also captures the adolescent exuberance of Peter Parker better than Mcguire.

Andrew Garfield was a good actor but a bit too brooding for Peter/Spider-Man. And Tobey doesn't really have much range as an actor imo.

I think this Tom Holland reboot was a great idea and fits very well into the MCU.
