MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Discussion > One thing about Flash being Middle Easte...

One thing about Flash being Middle Eastern...

Aside from that change, why do you think they made him a brainy kid instead of a jock like the original version?

Did they not want to insult middle eastern people by making him a dumb jock?

Were they being subconsciously racist by not thinking a middle eastern guy could be a dumb jock?


It's a technical school catering to STEM students. Did you see any jocks at all?

I have my problems with Flash's casting and characterization, but his race and stature are not among them.


And putting Peter in that school is just another horrible idea I only heard they did today. Peter is not supposed to be in a high school where he fits in. He's supposed to be different and stick out from the other kids and be bullied because of it.


Agreed, it was lame for them to take him out of a regular public HS setting.


Honestly, it makes sense in today's world. Otherwise, Aunt May would have to have been paying no attention whatsoever to her adopted son.


So in the same movie he's so good with science he's upgraded to a technical school, yet he has to borrow his technology from Iron Man at the same time. Contradictory. They should've changed one of those things to be consistent.


to me he doesnt look so bully, just annoying.


Flash Thompson in name only.


He can be mistaken for middle eastern but the actor is Latino. But hey, it's not like that makes things any better for many of the complainers, huh?

Ethnicity aside, this flash was certainly far different from the comic version. But you know what, it doesn't bother me. There's enough complaining on here, and sure while he didn't leave a big impression, I for one liked him just fine.
