Jump Scares in Frozen Empire

My son is a massive Ghostbusters fan and beyond excited for the new movie. However, he is on the spectrum and does have some difficulties with sound sensitivity. Mostly when it comes to jump scares (out of nowhere). We are planning to take him this weekend but was curious for anyone who has seen the movie, how are the jump scares as I am hearing there are a lot. Though it may contain spoilers, I was wondering what were the jump scares (how many) and when in the movie? When it comes to this we would normally prepare him when one is about to happen which he does good with. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Mhhh, I can't remember any jump scares. Most of them happened by a ghost not visible, who possess things. The jump scares I remember were not scary, but more for disgust like the Slimer ones. The movie has two scary ghosts, but the imo really scary one has more like a cameo and just looks and want to grab people - so the scene is scary. And then of course the bad guy itself is quite scary for a kid.
Personally, wouldn't recommend the movie for an unprepared kid younger as 10. But if your son watched the other ones, he saw already scary thinks like the gate keeper. I would put it on a similar scary level like Ghostbusters 2, Vigo was scary as hell, but in a cool sense.


Yeah I have a 6 and 7 year old and while they liked it, there were definitely a few moments that freaked them out(like the library ghost scene). I often forgot it's a different era and the things that didn't bother me as a desensitized 6 year old would scare the hell out of kids today.


That seems like a problem to correct


Parents Strongly Cautioned, Some Material May Be Inappropriate for Children Under 13.

you sound like a great parent


why the fuck would you take someone with sound sensitivity to a loudass movie theater !



That seems like a very valid question.
