Plagiarizing dead baby jokes

Not really that funny.
I don't think NetFlix got its money's worth.
And Ricky seems to love talking about how rich he is.
Kind of an unpleasant guy, but he used to have a good sense of drama and humor.


totally wrong and shows how much of politically correct you are.

the fact that he talks about how rich he is is anything but common and this is why he is hilarious and courageous, would Biden make fun of his wealth? would Angelina Jolie talk about her millions and make fun of poor people? would Michael Jordan talk about his huge bank account? and same for the few thousands of other celebrities, no they would never because they are all in the same boat of very privileged people and know how not politically correct it is to talk about your wealth and what kind of negative consequences it would have for their careers and image; but Ricky does the total opposite and this is why it's hilarious.


> totally wrong and shows how much of politically correct you are.

Wrong, stupid and boring.

Biden, Jolie, Jordan ... they're not comedians ya dip.


Great response dipshit!


so? they all have the common point of being very wealthy and NEVER talking about it or mentioning it whereas wealth is clearly what defines an individual in modern society and in America.


irrelevant and immaterial.


may be for you but not for me or for other people.

If you are poor or have no success it is not Ricky Gervais's fault is it? Did by becoming rich and successful Ricky stopped you or anyone else from becoming rich or successful? Hum I don't think so.


> If you are poor or have no success it is not Ricky Gervais's fault is it?

I have no idea since i am not poor. Why is it to make any argument you have to make up wild straw man BS comments. Go blow yourself dip.


You're the one who made the wild BS OP.


No, you're the one ( the whiney one, wah, wah, wah )


what does your subject mean? nothing about that in the post.


Still waiting - what does your subject mean? nothing about that in the post.


You just admitted to being a triggered, homo wokist. Good job, he loves pissing you people off. As do I, you are the enemies of freedom.
