MovieChat Forums > Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023) Discussion > It was decent, cliché, but I thought it ...

It was decent, cliché, but I thought it was somewhat enjoyable.

So I saw this last night. It wasn't great cinema by any means, but for basically a small studio, it wasn't bad. Story was decent I would say, but it was so frustrating seeing the characters of the women on their getaway doing such stupid things. The one in the hot tub basically got herself killed be being such an idiot.

I would say it was a good attempt, the scenes were very dark at times and had a hard time seeing what was going on, the sound mix left a lot to be desired, a lot of the time the dialoged was hard to hear, and the shaky cam was the absolute shakiest I have ever seen. I actually had to close my eyes because it was messing with my head.

It was far from the best movie I have seen, and it was definitely not the worst movie I have seen. Good effort I would say. I enjoyed watching it but I doubt I will ever watch it again.


I watched it and found it dragged a lot. It reminded me of a lot of direct to video movies from our video Rental store horror section. Not sure I'd call it good. Seems more like a tubi flick.


Did you see in theaters? I did, and still could barely see/hear some scenes. A couple of the characters' British accents were so thick in other scenes that I wanted subtitles, ha.

I've never seen a film that simultaneously felt like it was too short and too long, haha. Some scenes are endless and go on forever of nothing happening, just to ramp up the run time into feature length, and then others the editing is so quick and choppy that you need it to slow down. Like, all of a sudden at one point they have Piglet in chains and never even explain how he was subdued. And for the love of God, what happened to Owl and Rabbit?!


Yes I did see it in theaters. Sort of a mystery at my theater, it just played one day last week and only one showing. Which I can understand, I heard of this movie being made like 2 years ago, and all the while I am thinking to myself; This thing is never going to get made. But here we are!

I don't think I need a spoiler warning, I don't think too many people are going to see it, but at the end when it showed Pooh sending the bees to take out that one guy, I had to think about what was happening for a bit to figure out what I was seeing. I had no idea he could command bees to do his bidding...

I do no believe for one second that woman was able to lift Piglet up in order to chain him up and get a rope around his neck. He was huge, and she looked pretty small, but you are right, all of a sudden he was down and chained up.

Rabbit and Owl, I can only imagine for some reason they think they want to do another movie to include them. Since apparently nothing is going to kill Pooh, he maybe calls in his buddies now that Piglet is gone and wants to do a lot more damage to people, I don't know. I kind of hope that is not the case.


Sequel is already in production with four times the budget, reportedly… :-/


So are they supposed to be actual inbred animals? Or are we just going with people in Pooh and piglet costumes? Or did like an inbred dude fuck a bear? What are these killers suppose to be?


Good question! Basically this was a Wrong Turn movie with animal masked villains (and as such it isn't the worst I have seen)


No, it wasn't, it was just terrible, not even so bad it's good, which you yourself admitted in your explanation. How can a poorly-lit/sound-mixed, shaky-cammed mess with stupid, useless characters (who BTW are all literally just there for the sake of being there with no depth whatsoever) be "decent"?

Everything about this was bad, there's not a SINGLE positive I can scrape up from this.


As a slasher, it was nominally entertaining.

Like you said, it wasn't brilliant theatre. It wasn't meant to be. It worked okay as a brainless slasher.

I felt the fact that it was Winnie The Pooh was a gimmick. They could've changed the script slightly to a more generic slasher, and it wouldn't have felt much different.
