heavily involved in the Democratic Party

no suprises there...its the party of sodomy, corrupting the youth and killing the innocent!


Also he was gay.


that was the sodomy bit....lol


Qanon Connie93 doesn't even know what the definition of sodomy is...

Definition of sodomy

: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex


I actually have never seen the oral part being mentioned.

For me, sodomy has always meant anal sex, and refers to homosexuals.

But I guess you like to redefine everything to be gender inclusive these days.


Nah, you are just ignorant. Look in almost any dictionary. Oh, but that is right - members of Qanon like yourself have no use for facts.


Says someone who probably still thinks trump is a russian spy yada yada.....get a life fanboy.


Funny how both him and Jim Jones both took pics with First Lady Rosalyn Carter at around tu he same time.


as I said, the Democratic Party!


I think you meant to go to Qanon.com.........

On a side note, I find it quite ironic how lately in the news about the only people getting dinged for sexual depravity, including child porn and molestation, happen to be CONSERVATIVES......


yeah, Democrats like Biden molest children in front of everyone, its all caught on tape, and you Dems still vote for the senile old pedo!


Like I typed - you are looking for Qanon.com. And really, before yapping about Biden, I think you need to yap about the Orange Cheeto and his molestation past. But then again, I doubt you can because you all can't find the non-existent basement in the Pizzeria where all the molestation was not taking place.


you typed a web page that doesn't exist.

Nice one asshole.


Well, I'm sure you already have not only their real website but are also a member. Just be careful of the Jewish outer space lasers when you step outside. I bet you have M. T. Greene on speed dial so you can get updates on the location of the lasers.


fake website for a fake news Democrat.

makes sense.


And be careful heading to Disney....wouldn't want you to get sodomized by Mickey Mouse.


thank you for the heads up.

Do you dress up as Mickey as well as cross dressing?


Oooh, you are good. I bet you also have Gym Jordan on speed dial - you know, the guy who knew about students being molested when he was an assistant coach and did nothing about it.


you seem to know a lot about these topics and have an unhealthy fascination about it.

Were you the kid being molested? Or are you the molestor? Or are you now both?


Ah, another funny....you ARE good......


sounds like a hit a nerve.

Where on the dolly did the man touch you?


And you are even getting funnier....but alas, your 15 seconds of fame is up..bye bye..


later chester


You take Bundy, we will take pogo.


The democrats have long dismissed the idea of shame, so they attract some smarmy characters.
